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3.00 Credits
Explores hunter-gatherer ways of life and the ways in which anthropologists have thought about those ways of life, using lectures, discussion, the professional literature, and film. Topics covered include the history of hunter-gatherer research, relations between this research and archaeological studies of the human past, critiques of classic hunter-gatherer studies, and the current status of hunting and gathering peoples. Prereqs., ANTH 2010, 2020, 2100 and 2200.
3.00 Credits
Comprehensive survey of changes in the native cultures of America north of Mexico caused by occupation of the continent by Old World populations, including a review of processes of contact, environmental changes, changes in major institutions, the nature of federal/state administration, the reservation system, and contemporary developments. Restricted to senior ANTH or ETHN majors. Same as ETHN 4563 and ANTH 5560. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies or cultural and gender diversity.
3.00 Credits
Examines fishing methods, peoples, societies, and cultures, emphasizing anthropology's role in shaping fisheries management and development policy. Same as ANTH 5570.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the Holocaust during the Third Reich, which involved the murder of millions of people, including six million Jews. Reviews the Holocaust's history, dynamics, and consequences as well as other genocides of the 20th century, using an anthropological approach.
3.00 Credits
Examines the relationship between environment and human behavior, emphasizing social organization. Special attention given to examining the extent to which the environment influences subsistence strategies, settlement patterns, social relationships among different groups, and family structure.
3.00 Credits
Cultural factors determine states of health and illness in both Western and non-Western societies. The transition from traditional to modern status creates new problems including population growth, aging, changing patterns of morbidity, mortality and health care, and new socioeconomic consequences. Same as ANTH 5610.
3.00 Credits
Explores the nature of ethnic conflict, nationalism, and cultural citizenship in different contexts, including the United States. Is the nation-state dead? What effect do extranational and transnational organizations/institutions (e.g., European Union) have on the development of nationalism? Through the exploration of contemporary theory and case studies, this class will address these important contemporary concerns. Prereq., ANTH 2100.
3.00 Credits
Examines the issues of current concern in the study of East African pastoral peoples. The first half of the course is devoted to historical perspectives and the second half explores the transition from subsistence to market oriented economies. Restricted to junior and senior ANTH majors. Same as ANTH 5630.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Explores the culture of Tibet in both historical and thematic manners, considering the long-term development of Tibetan cultural practices and institutions as well as many of the abrupt changes introduced to Tibet in the 20th century. Topics covered include region, politics, gender, warfare, poetry and literature, and life under Chinese rule and as refugees around the world.
3.00 Credits
Course work built around theme of research design as a means of integrating previous training in the field of anthropology as well as providing an opportunity to perform creative scientific investigations. The course prepares students to write an honors thesis in ANTH 4720. Required of students doing Anthropology departmental honors. Restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
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