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3.00 Credits
Studies the Roman Republic from its foundation in 753 B.C. to its conclusion with the career of Augustus. Emphasizes the development of Roman Republican government. Readings are in the primary sources. No Greek or Latin required. Same as CLAS 4081 and HIST 4081.
3.00 Credits
Intense survey of Imperial Rome from the Roman revolution to the passing of centralized political authority in the western Mediterranean. Emphasizes life, letters, and personalities of the empire. No Greek or Latin required. Same as CLAS 5091 and HIST 4091.
3.00 Credits
Greek literary history in ancient Greek from Homer to the Hellenistic age. Prereqs., CLAS 3113 and 3123 or equivalent. Same as CLAS 5093.
3.00 Credits
Covers Latin literary history in Latin from the beginning to the early Empire. Students read select texts of major authors in poetry and prose. Prereqs., CLAS 3014 and 3024, or equivalent. Same as CLAS 5094.
3.00 Credits
Explores the problems, theories and methods for understanding the iconography, styles, topologies, contexts and techniques of fresco wall painting in ancient Italy from the 6th century B.C.E. to the 4th century C.E. Topics covered include Etruscan tomb paintings, late Republican and early imperial fresco paintings from Rome and Campania, and later Roman wall paintings, including the painted images in ancient catacombs. Previous coursework on ancient Italy or the history of pre-modern art is highly recommended. Recommended prereqs., CLAS/ARTH 1509, 3049. Same as CLAS 5109 and ARTH 4109.
3.00 Credits
Students read in English translation the major epics of Graco-Roman antiquity such as the Iliad, Odyssey, Argonautica, Aeneid, and Metamorphoses. Topics discussed may include the nature of classical epic, its relation to the novel, and its legacy. No Greek or Latin required. Same as CLAS 5110 and HUMN 4110. Approved for arts and science core curriculum: literature and the arts.
3.00 Credits
Examines ancient Roman sculpture, emphasizing the display, iconography, and production of private and public monuments in the Roman Empire. Same as CLAS 5119 and ARTH 4119.
3.00 Credits
Intensive study of selected tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Seneca in English translation. No Greek or Latin required. Same as CLAS 5120 and HUMN 4120. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
3.00 Credits
A detailed study of the cultures of prehistoric Greece, the Cycladic Islands, and Crete, their art and archaeology, and their history within the broader context of the eastern Mediterranean, from earliest human settlement to the collapse of the Bronze Age at about 1100 B.C.E. Emphasis is on palace states. Same as ANTH/ARTH 4129, CLAS 5129.
3.00 Credits
Studies Aristophanes, Plautus, and Terence in English translation. No Greek or Latin required. Same as CLAS 5130 and HUMN 4130. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
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