Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Special topics in cultural and physical anthropology, as well as archaeology. Check with the department for semester offerings. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., 15 hours of anthropology course work. Same as ANTH 5020.
3.00 Credits
Overview of the evolution of human diet and ecological and cultural factors shaping modern diets. Introduces fundamentals of nutrition and analysis of nutritional status. Analyzes ecological, social, and cultural factors leading to hunger and undernutrition, as well as biological and behavioral consequences of undernutrition. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 and 2020, or EBIO 1210 and 1220, or EBIO 1030 and 1040. Same as ANTH 5060.
3.00 Credits
Provides laboratory-based research experience in selected areas of biological anthropology. Research designs, methods and applications will be used to develop research skills. Students will read original research papers and carry out a research project of their own design. Area of emphasis within biological anthropology will depend on instructor. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 and 2020. Recommended prereqs., ANTH 2030, 2040, and 4000. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Same as ANTH 5070.
3.00 Credits
Considers data and theory of human genetics. Emphasizes analytical techniques relating to a genetic analysis of individual, family, and populations. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 and 2020, or EBIO 1210 and 1220. Same as ANTH 5080.
3.00 Credits
Detailed consideration of the fossil evidence for human evolution. Covers the discovery of important fossils and interpretations; descriptive information about the fossils; and data and theory from Pleistocene studies relating to ecology, ecological and behavioral data on modern apes, and molecular studies that have bearing on the study of human evolution. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 and 2020, or EBIO 1210 and 1220. Same as ANTH 5110.
3.00 Credits
Selected topics in physical anthropology emphasizing faculty specialties. Topics may include population genetics and its application to understanding modern human diversity, human population biology, and primate ecology and evolution. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 and 2020, or EBIO 1210 and 1220. Same as ANTH 5120.
3.00 Credits
A detailed study of the cultures of prehistoric Greece, the Cycladic Islands, and Crete, their art and archaeology, and their history within the broader context of the eastern Mediterranean, from earliest human settlement to the collapse of the Bronze Age at about 1100 B.C.E. Emphasis is on palace states. Same as ARTH/CLAS 4129, ANTH 5129.
3.00 Credits
Detailed study of the human skeleton with special attention to health and demographic conditions in prehistoric cultures and the evaluation of physical characteristics and genetic relationships of prehistoric populations. Prereqs., ANTH 2010, 2020, and 4000. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Same as ANTH 5130.
3.00 Credits
Discusses role of human populations in local ecosystems, factors affecting population growth, and human adaptability to environmental stress. Detailed consideration of case studies of small-scale societies in different ecosystems. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 and 2020, or EBIO 1210 and 1220. Same as ANTH 5150.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the fossil record of nonhominoid primates. Special emphasis placed on delineating the origins of the order Primates, the origins of the primate semiorders Strepsirhini and Haplorhini, and the adaptations of extinct primates in light of our understanding of the modern primate adaptive radiations. Prereqs., ANTH 2010 or EBIO 1210. Same as ANTH 5170.
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