Course Criteria
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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
3.00 Credits
Provides training in research methods for graduate work in Sinology. Regular exercises require students to use standard bibliographic sources and tools, such as leishu, congshu, specialized dictionaries, dynastic histories, geographical treatises, gazetteers, and private historiography. Prereq., CHIN 4220 or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
An overview of pedagogical theory and methods for the teaching of Chinese as a second language, including issues of presentation, interaction, and evaluation. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
An overview of the development of the Chinese language over the last 3,000 years, focusing on the diachronic changes in phonology and syntax, the evolution of the major dialect families, the standardization of the writing system, the creation of a common literary language, and the development of a standard written vernacular. Prereq., CHIN 4210 or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Examines topics in Chinese dialectology, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, phonetics, and syntax (both synchronically and diachronically). Topics vary from year to year. May be repeated three times for credit. Prereq., CHIN 4120 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Surveys the history of Sinology from its formation as a self-conscious scholarly discipline to today. Focuses on significant works and contributions of the field's greatest practitioners. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Surveys, with readings in primary and secondary sources, major landmarks in various areas of ancient and medieval literature. Focuses on the classic and most influential works of the Zhou through Tang dynasties. Gives attention to matters of historical fact and actuality as well as to textual and interpretive history. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Covers strategies for handling a variety of texts and genres as well as professional standards and ethics. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Studies selected pre-imperial and Han prose texts important in their own time and for the influence they exercised on the later development of Chinese literary history. Focuses on works such as the Lunyu, Mengzi, Zhuangzi, Huainanzi, Shiji, Hanshu, and Lunheng. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., CHIN 4220 or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Studies selected pre-imperial and Han poetic works important in their own time and for the influence they exercised on the later development of Chinese literary history. Focuses on the Shijing and the Chu ci, as well as the fu and shi of Han writers. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., CHIN 4220 or instructor consent.
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