Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Explores the relationship between the worlds of women and the supernatural in Chinese literature, from ancient to modern times. Focuses on selected significant works of classical and vernacular fiction, religious texts, and poetry (read in translation). Studies the variety of ways in which the folklore of the feminine is shaped and recast in different verbal creations and in different periods. Taught in English. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Offers in-depth, critical analysis of key issues in Chinese culture as represented in Chinese film. Focuses on various topics, such as specific directors, regions, representation of gender in Chinese film, historical periods, etc. Varies from year to year. Requires no knowledge of Chinese. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1051, 2441.
3.00 Credits
Deals with major linguistic characteristics of Chinese as a medium of communication. Discusses complex linguistic processing of social status and empathy relationships, for example, with reference to the structure of Chinese society and political system. Requires no knowledge of Chinese. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Explores the relationship between the Chinese language and gender differences in China. Familiarizes students with the theoretical framework and scholarship surrounding gender and the Chinese language. Provides students with tools for examining gender differences in various Chinese dialects. Taught in English. Prereq., CHIN 1020 or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: cultural and gender diversity.
3.00 Credits
Surveys a wide variety of 20th- and 21st-century written materials, including texts from literature, the social sciences, religion, and cultural history. Focuses on content and style with extensive discussion and frequent written assignments in Chinese. Conducted in Chinese. Prereq., CHIN 3120 or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of CHIN 4110. Prereq., CHIN 4110 or instructor consent.
4.00 Credits
Introduces the classical language based on texts from the pre-Han and Han periods. Stresses precise knowledge of grammatical principles and exactitude in translation---the basis for all further work in classical Chinese. Prereq., CHIN 2120 or instructor consent.
4.00 Credits
Close reading of selected texts of ancient and medieval literature. Readings in both prose and poetry. Emphasizes a disciplined, philological approach to the texts, with proper attention to diction, tone, and nuance. Prereq., CHIN 4210, or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Studies selected texts on a particular topic taught by regular or visiting faculty. Topics change each term. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
A detailed examination of the history and current state of Daoism, China's indigenous organized religion, focusing on its origins and development, ethical teachings, ritual activities, and world view. Topics include the relationship of Daoism to popular religion, the practice of alchemy and self-cultivation, beliefs concerning death and the afterlife, and the structure of the Daoist pantheon. Prereq., RLST 3800 or instructor consent. Restricted to CHIN majors. Same as CHIN 5750 and RLST 4750.
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