Course Criteria
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1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Available to seniors with approval of chemical engineering department. Subject arranged to fit needs of student.
1.00 Credits
Required of all chemical engineering graduate students. Includes reports on research activities and on special current topics.
3.00 Credits
Discusses the concepts and techniques of applied statistics essential to quality control and product/process improvement. Includes computer control (SQC/SPC), sampling methods and time series analysis, and methods of experimental design. Prereq., MCEN 4120. Same as CVEN 5127 and MCEN 5126.
3.00 Credits
Students learn current and emerging statistical methods that are appropriate to experimentation in research and development activities. Statistical design of experiments and model fitting is emphasized. Prereq., one introductory probability/statistics course. Same as MCEN 5146.
4.00 Credits
Considers continuum mechanics, emphasizing fundamental relationships for fluid mechanics and heat transfer and their applications to engineering problems. Prereq., senior or graduate standing and undergraduate courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and differential equations.
3.00 Credits
Examines fundamentals of mass transport with particular attention to microscopic balances in complex systems, such as those involving multiple components, chemical reaction, simultaneous heat and mass transport, and/or high mass flux. Prereq., CHEN 5210, undergraduate mass transfer, and familiarity with vector and tensor calculus.
3.00 Credits
Prepares graduate students to carry out independent research. Research ethics, laboratory skills, experimental methods, critical thinking, presentations, proposal preparation and career planning are discussed. Independent research project carried out under direction of chemical engineering faculty. Prereq., graduate standing.
1.00 Credits
Prepares graduate students to carry out independent research. Focuses on topics such as safety, ethics, communication skills, data analysis, intellectual property considerations, and time management.
3.00 Credits
Studies principles of chemical kinetics and catalytic reactions, emphasizing heterogeneous catalysis. Coreq., CHEN 4330, or prereq., CHEM 4551 and instructor consent, or graduate standing in CHEM or CHEN.
3.00 Credits
Reviews fundamentals of thermodynamics, application to pure fluids and mixtures, and physical equilibrium and changes of state. Examines the equation of state and computation of fluid properties for pure fluids, mixtures, and solutions. Also looks at relations between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Prereq., undergraduate thermodynamics (CHEN 3320 or equivalent).
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