Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Learn the fundamentals of the various types of intellectual property, obtain the ability to search the USPTO database for patents, learn the difference between provisional patents, utility patents and foreign patents, and learn the timing requirements related to the filing of patents and public disclosure, use, and/or sale of an invention. Restricted to seniors. Same as CHEN 5630.
3.00 Credits
Aims to identify the important physical mechanisms occurring in processes involving particles, formulate and solve mathematical descriptions of such processes, and analyze experimental and theoretical results in both a qualitative and quantitative manner. Teaches students to apply this knowledge to the design of particulate systems. Conveys the breadth and depth of natural and industrial applications involving particulates. Prereq., APPM 2360 and CHEN 3200 or MCEN 3021. Same as CHEN 5650.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Covers traditional, as well as new, chemical separations processes that have environmental applications. Includes chemically benign processing (pollution prevention) as well as approaches to address existing pollution problems. Prereqs., senior or graduate student standing and CHEN 2120. Same as CHEN 5670.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Surveys the field of environmental process engineering and covers the topics of waste minimization and pollution, air pollution control, water pollution control, hazardous waste control, risk assessment and management, and ecological systems. Prereq., senior or graduate standing in engineering. Same as CHEN 5680.
3.00 Credits
Lect. and lab. Reviews the recent developments in the fields of microbiology, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering that are of commercial value and benefit to mankind. Covers engineering implementation of such biological processes. Prereq., senior or graduate standing in engineering or science, or instructor consent. Same as CHEN 5800.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the engineering needed to bring therapeutic products derived from living organisms (e.g., proteins, peptides, DNA, RNA) from the production plant to the patient. Covers the challenges of keeping these products "active" as they are stored, shipped, and administered to patients. Prereq., CHEN 3320. Coreq., CHEN 4330.
3.00 Credits
Provides an overview of biomaterials. Covers major classes of materials used in medical applications, properties, degradation mechanisms, and characterization methods, foreign body response, methods to control physiological response to biomaterial surfaces, biocompatibility, biomaterials used in soft and hard tissue replacements, drug delivery devices and tissue engineering, and design criteria for developing a material for a given biological application. Prereq., CHEN 2820 and CHEM 3331. Same as CHEN 5805.
2.00 Credits
Involves planning and execution of chemical engineering experiments on mass transfer operations, bioseparations, and biological reactors. Interprets experimental data with theoretical principles and statistical analysis. Emphasizes communication with written memos, full reports and oral presentations. Prereqs., CHEN 3130 and 4820.
3.00 Credits
Lect. and lab. Presents purification methods, mass transfer coefficients, problems specific to biologicals, and scale-up of processes. Also covers chromatography, phase extraction, supercritical fluids, sedimentation, precipitation, electrophoresis, dialysis, affinity techniques, cell separation, application of separations to bioreactors, and comparison of batch and continuous processes. Prereq., senior standing or above in engineering or science. Same as CHEN 5820.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Senior topics courses offered upon demand. Prereq., senior standing or instructor consent.
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