Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Provides chemical engineering career and professional information, facilitates contact with faculty and industry representatives, and improves communication and leadership skills. Consists of a series of seminars and field trips and requires a research project involving a written and oral report.
2.00 Credits
Involves planning and execution of chemical engineering experiments on mass transfer operations, separations, and chemical reactors. Interprets experimental data with theoretical principles and statistical analysis. Emphasizes communication with written memos, full reports, and oral presentations. Prereqs., CHEN 3010, 3130, 3320 and 4330 (all min C-).
3.00 Credits
Introduces chemical kinetics and chemical reactor design. Involves mass and energy balances for steady-state and transient reactor systems. Also covers residence time distribution, mass transfer, catalytic reactions, and multiple steady states in reactors. Prereqs., CHEN 3320 and CHEN 3210 or MCEN 3022 (min grade C-).
3.00 Credits
Introduces materials engineering, including properties of polymers, metals, ceramics, and semiconductors, especially as related to chemical engineering processes. Prereq., CHEN 3320 (min grade C-).
3.00 Credits
Lect. Introduces polymer science with a focus on polymer chemistry and polymerization reactions. Focuses on polymerization reaction engineering and how polymer properties depend on structure. Prereq., CHEN 4330 and CHEM 3311 or instructor consent required. Same as CHEN 5450.
3.00 Credits
Introductory polymer engineering course reviewing basic terminology and definitions; the properties and synthetic routes of important industrial polymers; and processing of polymers and their applications. Prereq., CHEM 3311 and CHEN 3320, minimum grade C-, or equivalent, or instructor consent. Same as CHEN 5460.
3.00 Credits
Studies applied chemical process design including equipment specification and economic evaluation. Prereqs., CHEN 3010, 3210, 3220, 3320 and 4330 (all min C-).
2.00 Credits
Provides a team-based capstone design experience for chemical engineering students. Projects are sponsored by industry and student design teams collaborate with industrial consultants. Projects consider chemical process and product design with emphasis on economic analysis. Deliverables include an oral mid-project design review, a final oral presentation and final written design report. Prereq., CHEN 4520.
4.00 Credits
Examines principles of control theory and their application to chemical processes. Focuses on single-loop feedback and feedforward control. Laboratory sessions cover measurement fundamentals, signal transmission, dynamic testing, control system synthesis, and implementation and adjustment. Prereqs., CHEN 3010, 3220, 4330 and APPM 2360 (all min grade C-).
3.00 Credits
Covers use of macroscopic and microscopic balances for development of mathematical models to describe common chemical engineering unit operations. Also includes numerical methods for solution of model equations. Prereqs., CHEN 3210 and 3220.
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