Course Criteria
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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Study of a special topic in music. May be repeated for credit.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor and department chair. Open to qualified upper division students. May be repeated for credit.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Music majors having completed seven consecutive semesters of applied music instruction and enrollment in the eighth semester of applied music instruction. Music degree candidates must enroll during the semester of the senior recital performance. Evaluation is based on the student's performance of the recital, and the final grade is given by a committee of the Department of Music faculty. Lab fee.
1.00 Credits
Private instruction in piano or organ with emphasis toward music as a tool for religious services. Designed specifically for the upper division music major concentrating in music ministry. Students may register for thirty or sixty minute lesson per week. Minimum of five hours practice per week required. Applied music courses are subject to instruction fees and practice fees. Fees are commensurate with instruction time. Not applicable toward music major requirements.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
A capstone course required of all Music and the Worship Arts majors. The course examines source readings concerning the integration of faith and various aspects of music and the arts. Students are challenged to evaluate the influence of the Christian faith upon their own individual music discipline. Class content also includes four weekend seminars, focused on relevant topics within the field of Worship and Contemporary Art. Seminar topics may include: Art and the Bible; Worship and the 21st Century; the Heart of the Artist; Empowering the Artist in the Local Church; Faith, Film and Culture; Congregational Worship and Song. The course culminates with the writing of an essay outlining the ways in which students believe their faith shapes their lives as both disciples and artists in their disciplines and a senior project.
1.00 Credits
Applied composition courses are each one-unit successive levels of private lessons in music composition. MUSC 136 is a prerequisite to the first level, and each level thereafter is prerequisite to all higher levels. Students enrolled in these courses are required to have at least one piece performed each semester on scheduled departmental recitals. Students will receive one lesson (minimum of thirty minutes instruction) per week. A minimum of five hours per week additional preparation time is required. MUTC Applied Composition courses are subject to the current applied music instruction fees.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
Advanced sequencing techniques, orchestral and commercial music simulation, advanced editing and automated mixing, synthesizer program editing, program editor/librarian software, and advanced music notation and arranging. Also includes an introduction to synchronization using SMPTE timecode and QuickTime video for film scoring projects. Top industry standard MIDI sequencing and notation software are used. Lab fee.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Music Department approval and concurrent registration in MUPF/ MUTC 375, 376, 377, 378 or higher applied music course number. Music majors with a Performance Emphasis will present a Junior Recital in the second semester of the junior year. A Junior Recital is a half-hour formal solo program of repertoire appropriate for the culmination of six semesters of applied music study. Guidelines for preparing, planning, scheduling and presenting a Junior Recital are available in the Music Department. Final grade is given by a committee of the Department of Music faculty. Lab fee.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Music Department approval and concurrent registration in MUTC 410. The Senior Recital in applied composition is a presentation (at least thirty minutes of music) or compositions for different media written during residency, with the student participating as performer or conductor in at least one piece. Guidelines for preparing, planning, scheduling, and presenting a Senior Recital in Composition are available in the Music Department office. Final grade is given by a committee of the Department of Music faculty. Lab fee.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Co-requisite: NSCI 210CL. A course in the natural and physical sciences emphasizing man's relationship to the physical world. Relevant topics from physics, chemistry, earth science, and biology will be explored. The course will focus on contemporary issues such as the ecological, economic and human health impacts of air and water pollution, global climate change, ozone depletion, hazardous and solid waste, alternative energy resources, soil, resource depletion, biotechnology, diet and food safety. Completion of accompanying lab ( NSCI 210CL) is required to satisfy the core curriculum requirement in natural science.
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