Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
An introduction to the discipline of theology, including vocabulary and concepts. Important theologians and major divisions of systematictheology will be considered.
3.00 Credits
An examination of the diverse dynamics of personal and corporate Christian spiritual growth. The course studies and applies key theological issues, insights from spiritual giants, classic spiritual disciplines, and contemporary insights on discipleship.
3.00 Credits
(3, Even Spring) An exploration of the dynamic interaction of Muslims and Christians from the beginnings of Islam to the present. The course investigates ways the theologies, religious ideas and selfunderstandings of these major religions were affected through religious, cultural and political encounters and the legacies of those interactions today. (Prerequisite: THEO 3600) (Also RELI 4020)
3.00 Credits
Exploration of an area of student interest, culminating in a 5,000-word research project. The course is taken in conjunction with any upper-division course in the Bible and Theology major. The course serves as a capstone and is conducted in consultation with a faculty supervisor. (Prerequisite: Bible and Theology Honors Program) (Also BIBL 4099)
3.00 Credits
An examination of issues faced in contemporary ministry from a theological perspective. Students will constructively engage selected topics in order to assist the church in its mission in the world.
3.00 Credits
An advanced course on a topic chosen by the professor and of special interest to theological studies. (Prerequisite: junior or senior standing)
3.00 Credits
An examination of the issues that Enlightenment rationalism created for the discipline of theology. Beginning with the foundational figures of Schleiermacher, Kant, and Hegel, the course explores their impact on subsequent theologies, such as Protestant Liberal Theology, Dialectical Theology, Liberation Theologies, Evangelical Theology, and Theology of World Religions. (Prerequisites: THEO 3600; passing score on the English Proficiency Exam)
3.00 Credits
(3, Fall) An in-depth systematic exploration of various theological topics, including method, Scripture and tradition, revelation, the doctrine of God, creation and providence, humanity and sin. The course focuses on honing critical thinking skills and assimilating selected seminal texts in the field of theology. (Prerequisite: THEO 3600)
3.00 Credits
An in-depth, systematic exploration of various theological topics, including the person and work of Christ, salvation, the Church, sacraments, and eschatology. The course focuses on honing critical thinking skills and assimilating selected seminal texts in the field of theology. (Prerequisite: THEO 3600)
3.00 Credits
A study of the theological foundations for evangelism and mission. The course explores the biblical basis for mission, introduces the understandings of different church traditions, and develops the implications of theology for ministry. (Prerequisites: THEO 3600, junior or senior standing, and passing score on the English Proficiency Exam)
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