Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course will furnish the skills and considerations necessary for the nursing duties of the veterinary technician. Topics include general animal care, handling and restraint, administration of medications and bandaging techniques. Special emphasis will be placed on safety of both patient and handler. Includes laboratory demonstrations and practice on live animals. Lecture [1.00], Laboratory [6.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-102, VET-103, VET- 110, VET-112, BIO-115, BIO-215.
3.00 Credits
This course encompasses various procedures in veterinary dentistry along with the skills necessary to assist the veterinarian in a complete dental prophylaxis and other complicated dental procedures. Oral and dental anatomy will be reviewed. The course will focus on the operation and maintenance of dental equipment, including dental radiography; the performance of a small animal dental prophylaxis procedure; and a survey of dental diseases in small and large animals and exotics. Emphasis will be placed on the scope of services that may be provided by the veterinary technician, including client education. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: BIO-215, VET-112. Corequisite[s]: VET-207.
3.00 Credits
This course deals with the examination of blood, urine, and other body substances for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in veterinary practice. Students will learn to perform complete blood counts, blood chemistries, serological tests, and urinalysis. Lecture periods will cover the theories on which the tests are based and the relevance of laboratory results in the evaluation of the health of animals. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-102, VET-103, VET-112, BIO-115, BIO-215.
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to basic radiology, ultrasound and associated diagnostic techniques. The student will learn how to correctly position a patient, calculate exposure values, expose radiographic film, and process radiographs of diagnostic quality, both manually and automatically, for the veterinarian to examine. Special emphasis is placed on the potential hazards of radiation and occupational safety. Laboratory experiences provide skills practice in radiographic technique. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-102, VET-103, BIO-115, BIO-215.
3.00 Credits
This course is a continuation of Veterinary Nursing I. Principles of emergency care, intensive care, administration of drugs and fluids, shock therapy, oxygen therapy and the application of indwelling catheters will be discussed. This course will include a general study of diseases, their definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Intensive care nursing will include hands on experience with animals and models. Lecture [1.00], Laboratory [6.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-203.
2.00 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to modern veterinary hospital business practices. Study of inventory procedures, accounting and computer skills, medical records, personnel management, and psychology of client and staff relations will be addressed. The course emphasizes professional ethics, interpersonal and client communication. Lecture [2.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-102, VET-103.
3.00 Credits
This course will cover basic parasitology, cytology, histology and necropsy techniques. The student will study the life cycles, pathogenesis, identification, prevention, control and public health concerns of internal and external parasites in domestic animals. Cytological specimens will be collected and processed. A necropsy prosection will be performed, with the collection of specimens and preparation of histology slides for examination by the veterinarian. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET- 205.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to teach the student the skills associated with assisting the large animal practitioner. The essential tasks relating to handling, restraint, treatment, venipuncture, treatment, anesthesia, and administration of drugs and fluids to far animals will be covered. A study of diseases of these animals with emphasis on disease control, prevention, treatment and immunization will be discussed. Common surgical procedures, as well as specimen collection and preservation will be reviewed. Lecture [2.50], Laboratory [3.75].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-110, VET-112.
3.00 Credits
This course includes in-depth discussion and hands-on experience with hygiene of the surgical suite and surgical prep room, asepsis, surgical instruments, and sterilization. The student will learn the basics of animal anesthesia as used in surgical procedures. It includes drugs and equipment for anesthetic administration, recovery, and emergencies, along with management of these preparations. We will also provide the student with indepth coverage of preoperative and postoperative patient care. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-203.
1.00 Credits
This course is a clinical experience providing the student with the opportunity to refine technical skills developed in areas such as animal handling, nursing care and treatment, surgical assistance, radiology, anesthesia, dental prophylaxis, diagnostic laboratory procedures, practice management, and client communication. Students spend 12 weeks in total in a pre-approved small animal hospital, animal research facility, or other allied animal health facility within the metropolitan area. Students train under the supervision of licensed veterinarians and graduate veterinary technicians. Laboratory [16.00].
Prerequisite[s]: VET-207, VET-214, VET- 216, VET-217, VET-218, VET-219.
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