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4.00 Credits
This course is designed to familiarize students with monitoring methods commonly used to prevent contamination and spoilage in the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Personal Care, Food and related industries. Students will be introduced to the microbial world and become familiar with the biology of the common microbial contaminants. Students will learn the common laboratory procedures used to monitor microbial contamination. Students will learn the documentation methods, the contamination standards, for various devices and preparations and the regulatory agencies that set the standards. Students will learn how to adhere to industry safety and quality standards for microbial contamination and maintain a laboratory environment that meets FDA standards. Lecture [3.00], Laboratory [3.00]. Corequisite[s]: TEC-145.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to familiarize students with the maintenance and operation of the instrumentation commonly used in the Pharmaceutical, Personal Care, Food and related industries according to industry standards of quality control. Students will learn the basic principles and mechanics of the common instruments used to assess quality control, e.g. the pH meter, spectrophotometer, filtration instrumentation, centrifuges, HPLC etc. Students will learn to validate and maintain instrumentation and keep maintenance records. Students will learn to evaluate processes used in the laboratory for adherence to industry safety and quality standards and will maintain records that meet FDA standards. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [3.00]. Corequisite[s]: TEC-150.
3.00 Credits
This course explores the topics of satellite imagery and aerial photography. Students gain an understanding of how digital satellite images and air photos are created and used in geology, environmental management and civil engineering. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [2.00].
Prerequisite[s]: TEC- 191.
3.00 Credits
This course broadens understanding of GIS and includes discussions of cartographic data formats, cartographic representations, computer programming for GIS, database management and Internet based mapping. The laboratory section will focus on use of advanced functions of ArcView GIS including all extensions, GIS programming with Avenue and Map Objects. Students learn the principles of GIS project management and data documentation. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [2.00].
Prerequisite[s]: TEC- 190. THEATRE
3.00 Credits
This course is a study of live theatre and of how it is produced, how it has developed historically and culturally, and how it is analyzed and evaluated. This is primarily a theory course, but it also includes theatre-going assignments. >General Education Course. Lecture [3.00].
3.00 Credits
This course is a chronological survey course that explores musical theatre from its early beginnings to the present. In a lecture and discussion format, students will explore examples of musical theatre to illustrate musical elements, musical and theatrical techniques, and structural form. Selected works will be considered from the context of their relationship with historical and artistic values. >General Education Course. Lecture [3.00].
3.00 Credits
This course utilizes practical exercises to aid the beginning actor in developing technique from which to build self-confidence and believable characterizations. The course stresses the importance of self-discipline in developing creativity and freedom in voice and movement. Assignments include the presentation of scenes from various works during the semester. Lecture [2.00], Laboratory [2.00].
3.00 Credits
This course explores the development of performance and vocal techniques in the oral presentation of all types of literature. The use of variety in pitch, volume, tempo, and attitude is stressed in communicating the author's meaning through the reader to the audience. Following specific guidelines, most of the literature is selected directly by each student. Lecture [3.00].
2.00 Credits
This is a practical course in directing the student to experience, explore, and visualize movements. The aim of the course is to help the actor become a more physically secure and expressive performer. Lecture [3.00].
1.00 Credits
This course provides a practical approach to makeup techniques for theatre and related arts. Through practical experience, students investigate basic, character, and stylized makeup. Lecture [1.00], Laboratory [1.00].
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