Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course provides students with practical experience in professional, collegiate, amateur, or business institutions in sports-related industries. Students can pursue their individual interests and goals through the Co-Op program in Sports Management. 180 minimum hours work experience distributed over the semester. Lecture [1.00], Cooperative [12.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WEX-127. WRITING
3.00 Credits
This course gives students the opportunity for extensive practice in expository writing. The course emphasizes the writing process, and concentrates on the organization and development of ideas in written work and on student responses to reading. Attention is devoted to correct language usage and on research and the basic techniques of MLA documentation. >General Education Course. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: EBS-012, EBS-021 or ALP-063 is required by placement testing.
3.00 Credits
This course continues the emphasis of English Composition I on the writing process, and on critical reading and thinking skills. Particular attention is devoted to writing with sources and to argumentative writing. Emphasis is placed on correct language usage and on research and the techniques of MLA documentation. >General Education Course. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of expository writing in the business, scientific, and industrial fields. Special attention is given to the writing of progress reports, sales and statistical reports, and other types of office, clinical, and scientific material. >General Education Course. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
3.00 Credits
This is a course in which students write in such forms as poetry, fiction, and drama. Students read and discuss each other's work as well as that of published authors. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
3.00 Credits
This course gives students the opportunity to focus on the elements of fiction writing. Students read and discuss each other's work. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
3.00 Credits
This is a course in which students write memoir and creative non-fiction using such forms as essay, narrative, and poetry. Students read and discuss each other's work as well as that of published authors; they utilize blogs to store and share their writings. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
3.00 Credits
This is a course in which students write poetry using both lyric and narrative styles. The course will focus on a study of contemporary poetry, but students will also gain an understanding of traditional poetic forms such as the sonnet, villanelle, sestina, ode, and elegy. In addition to producing a portfolio of original poems, students will read and discuss each other's work as well as that of published authors. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT- 101.
3.00 Credits
This course allows students to experience and practice the creative process involved in writing. It provides students with an understanding of dramatic text, the skills necessary to create character, relationship, dialogue, and dramatic action. In addition, the course introduces students to the process of stage performance and managing their scripts for this medium. Lecture [3.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
1.00 Credits
This course provides hands-on instruction which emphasizes the importance of proper reference and citation standards for professional and academic environments with emphasis on the publishing industry. Students will use industry criteria to determine correct citation styles and will apply MLA, APA, and CMS standards, among others, to existing text and webbased documents. Laboratory [2.00].
Prerequisite[s]: WRT-101.
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