Course Criteria

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  • 4.00 Credits

    Basic instruction using the computer for motion graphic design and composite digital video production. Emphasis on time based media and its application to creative problem solving and communication solutions. Advisories: One of the following: GID 80, ART 88, MUS 86, DRAM 86, VART 86; not open to students with credit in VART 87 or GRDS 87. Two hours lecture, two hours lecture-laboratory, three hours laboratory. GE Area: Non-GE Applicable
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to the skills and techniques of the book arts. Students will learn construction and mounting skills for books, boxes and portfolios. Traditional and non-traditional binding formats include stab, accordion, concertina and signature sewing. Emphasis on form building while exploring content and narrative. Advisory: Not open to students with credit in GRDS 96. Repeatability: May be taken three times for credit. Two hours lecture, two hours lecture-laboratory, three hours laboratory. GE Area: Non-GE Applicable
  • 4.00 Credits

    Continuation of Book Arts I. Studio experiences in making art that takes book form. Students will learn strategies for content development; design, layout and typography; and narrative structures, pacing and sequencing. Reproduction techniques include traditional and digital media including relief printing, stencil printing, transfer printing and commercial printing. Emphasis on content and narrative while advancing book construction skills. Prerequisite: GID 90. Repeatability: May be taken three times for credit. Two hours lecture, two hours lecture-laboratory, three hours laboratory. GE Area: Non-GE Applicable
  • 4.00 Credits

    Studio practice in letterpress printing to create limited-edition prints and books. Introduction to handset type, hand-carved relief plates and photopolymer plates. Emphasis on technical skills with tools and media, visual communication, and aesthetics of print media. Advisories: GID 50 and 74 recommended; not open to students with credit in GRDS 40. Repeatability: May be taken three times for credit. Two hours lecture, two hours lecture-laboratory, three hours laboratory. GE Area: Non-GE Applicable
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduction to the professional practices of the book artist and book arts organizations. Application of strategies to create, critique, exhibit and distribute artist's books. Participation in community based learning through the organization and implementation of book art events and activities. Repeatability: May be taken for a maximum of 18 units of credit. Two hours lecture, two hours lecture-laboratory. GE Area: Non-GE Applicable
  • 4.00 Credits

    Application of principles and theories introduced in previously taken graphic arts courses to student-motivated projects. Projects address information gathering, idea generation, concept development, production and distribution. Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to instructor's approval. Repeatability: May be taken three times for credit. Two hours lecture, two hours lecture-laboratory, three hours laboratory. GE Area: Non-GE Applicable
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to the general nature of the physical education profession and its related fields of health, recreation and athletics. Four hours lecture. GE Area: Lifelong Understanding
  • 1.00 Credits

    Introduction to swimming or a continuation of development of swim and safety skills beyond the beginning phase. Includes physical and mental adjustment to water, buoyancy and body position, survival skills, and the basic swim strokes. Repeatability: May be taken six times for credit. Four hours laboratory. GE Area: Lifelong Understanding
  • 1.00 Credits

    Fitness assessment techniques employing individual fitness profiles, developed along with nutritional recommendations. Repeatability: May be taken six times for credit. Three hours lecture laboratory. GE Area: Lifelong Understanding
  • 1.00 Credits

    A travel/study approach to the game of golf. On-site opportunities to practice and play at some of the best golf courses in this country and internationally will enhance the student's skill, knowledge and understanding of golf rules, etiquette and strategies. All costs are borne by the student. Repeatability: May be taken six times for credit. Three hours laboratory. GE Area: Lifelong Understanding
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