Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Seminar, two hours; activity, two hours. Designed to provide returned Education Abroad Program (EAP) students with structured opportunity to deepen their reflections on their time abroad through contact with literature, academic articles, and speakers. Provides EAP reciprocity students with opportunity to analyze their transition to UCLA and allows both returned and reciprocity students chances to learn through service to EAP. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Examination of inequality across K-12 and higher education to understand how college admissions are stratified across racial and class lines. Roles of school personnel, higher education admissions, families, and students in promoting equal educational opportunity. Course is good preparation for students interested in working in UCLA programs such as Early Academic Outreach Programs that serve students in Los Angeles area schools. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Limited to juniors/seniors. Advanced independent skills course of joint interest to professor and student. Research topics deal with K- 12 American educational experience, with specific emphasis on diversity, assessment, technology, atrisk, geographical space, and psychosocial development of children. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Limited to juniors/seniors. Highly interactive, student-centered course designed to provide handson experience in academic peer advising and leadership and understanding of underlying theories, principles, and related issues. Students advise their peers in Education Studies minor courses and build community among those students. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Enforced requisite: course 146A. Limited to juniors/seniors. Highly interactive, studentcentered course designed to provide hands-on experience in academic peer advising and leadership and understanding of underlying theories, principles, and related issues. Students advise their peers in Education Studies minor courses and build community among those students. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Lecture, four hours. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-related controversies that arise in schools, colleges, and universities today and how they are being addressed by legal and education communities. In particular, examination of real-life consequences of current laws and exploration of what might be done to make things better for all persons. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Exploration of various types of charter schools as well as alternative methods for social change. Evaluation of in-depth social entrepreneurship, its theoretical constructs, and its application to charter schools as social enterprises. Letter grading.
2.00 Credits
Seminar, two hours. Introduction to field of student affairs and contribution of student development theory. General overview of various student affairs functions and programs, along with key theories that inform practice. P/NP grading.
3.00 Credits
Lecture/discussion, three hours. Exploration of relationship between scholarly policy analysis and actual workings of policy systems. Selected topics include achievement standards and assessment, school finance, equal access to education, and school reform. Letter grading.
2.00 Credits
Fieldwork, four hours. Enforced corequisite: course 192A. Training and supervised practicum for undergraduate students interested in raising their academic achievement and that of high school and middle school students. Letter grading.
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