Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Focus extensively on understanding educational experiences of following groups in the U.S.: African Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Chicanas/Chicanos/Latinas/Latinos, and low-income white Americans. Examination of how historical development of public education in the U.S. has influenced its present form. Critical look at some current issues and policy debates in education, including debate over school reform, bilingual education, and affirmative action. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Exploration of ways we draw on different kinds of texts to illuminate critical issues in American secondary education. Issues include transformation in secondary education from 1890 to the present, politics of social class, and racial and gender representation of secondary education. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours; fieldwork, three hours. Research seminar providing survey of characteristics and related educational needs of students (elementary through high school age) who vary exceptionally from normal in mental, physical, psychological, and social characteristics. Exploration of world of disabilities and area of gifted/talented education. Emphasis on educational implications; legal, social, and philosophical issues also addressed. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours; fieldwork, two hours. Research seminar designed to enable students to (1) gain basic understanding of ways in which public policies are established and implemented, (2) learn about policy landscape in several major domains of child and family life in the U.S. and other countries, and (3) use scientific research on children's cognitive and social development to evaluate and understand effects of social and economic policies. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Designed for students interested in developing understanding and appreciation for breadth of leadership models/ theories in education, including traditional, entrepreneurial, behavioral, and relationship-based models. Analysis of effectiveness of organizations and/or policies in terms of educational leadership, and development of personal leadership profile in context of alternative models of leadership relevant to education. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, five hours. Limited to juniors/seniors. Introduction to educational inquiry, with special attention to different ways of conducting research in field of education. Focus on different ways authors conceptualize/investigate inequity. Development of culminating project. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Lecture, four hours. Introduction to range of contemporary and ongoing higher education public policy issues, and conceptual and theoretical frameworks typically used to understand them. Development of fluency in public policy language, with focus on national, state, and institutional policy perspectives. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Consideration of potential of conceptual and empirical work in critical pedagogy and cultural studies to inform, confront, and transform many challenges faced in urban education today. Study of theory and research of critical pedagogists such as Paulo Freire, Peter McLaren, and others. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Designed for juniors/ seniors. Exploration of psychosocial perspective of how temporal orientation and time investments impact and shape human behavior, with specific emphasis on educational issues related to school reform, teen pregnancy, school violence, teacher burnout, teacher midlife crisis, cultural diversity, information-seeking behaviors, and academic attainment. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Ways to teach writing at elementary and secondary level through examination of related concepts of ideas, evidence, part, and whole, and writing process. Emphasis on how reading, writing, and thinking exercises engage students and lead them to develop their own ideas. Letter grading.
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