Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Laboratory, two hours. Corequisite: course CM178. Hands-on production experience as integral component of course CM178. Concurrently scheduled with course CM278L. Letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Lecture, 30 hours; laboratory, eight hours. Introduction to range of critical concepts in humanities, social sciences, and hard sciences. Use of multicultural texts that represent variety of genres and disciplines to develop critical reading and writing skills. Development of scientific inquiry skills relevant to study of mathematics and science in medical professions. Weekly compositions, critical thinking journals, and participation in laboratory experiments. Application of these concepts to critical issues facing migrant farmworker communities and similar groups throughout state and country, with focus on issues such as identity, language, culture, and central social, health, and educational issues facing Latino community. Offered in summer only. P/NP or letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Lecture, four hours. Introduction to literacy studies (study of reading and writing), with focus on American life. Readings on history of literacy in the U.S.; studies of literacy in school, on job, and in everyday life; studies of literacy and electronic media; and self-study of development and use of students' own literacy. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Development of positive social behaviors and their enhancement. Broad overview of children's psychological development, with emphasis on personal, social, and emotional attributes of preschool and elementary school child. Aspects of prosocial behavior and aggression. Enhancement of prosocial behavior and modification of such negative behaviors as aggression. Review and evaluation of contemporary educational programs for promoting positive social behaviors in elementary schools. Methodological aspects of child development. Overview of early childhood education and issues related to role of family, school, and television in child development. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Examination of American schooling experience (K-12) and analysis of various school and social policies that impact on children and adolescents. Systematic examination of major participants in American schooling process (parents, students, teachers, geographical space of school environment, school organizations, and society) and how they are associated with American schooling experience. Discussion of contemporary themes such as risk behaviors, SAT controversy, high school exit examinations, social promotion, technology in classroom, psychosocial development of children, school reform, equal educational opportunity, affirmative action, and educational assessment. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Examination of role colleges and universities play in larger cultural life of U.S. society. Use of analysis of student movements as vehicle for exploration of key sociological, political, and cultural developments on U.S. campuses. Emphasis on interrelated research, academic, social, and policy issues underlying diverse system of higher education. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Exploration of traditional and alternative teaching practices and public responses to teachers teaching and students learning. Examination of education in socioeconomic context and discussion of some philosophical questions that challenge teaching profession. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Research seminar providing broad overview of educational psychology, with examination of relationship of teaching and learning; various perspectives as to how children learn; issues of teaching and learning that arise based on child's social class, ethnic background, gender, age, and level of ability. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Research seminar providing overview of research literature on adolescent development and use of education environment as context for this development. Primary focus of adolescent development to be psychosocial in nature and relation of topics to understanding of one's identity, personal development, and relationships with other individuals and society at large. Study of psychological and education theories that apply to specific sub-samples of adolescents (e.g., women and adolescents of color), as well as those that are relevant to population of youth at large. Letter grading.
5.00 Credits
Seminar, four hours. Research seminar providing overview of high-profile legal controversies that shape so many policy debates at both K-12 and higher education levels. Major areas of focus include campus safety, religion and schools, educational quality and law, broadbased right to equal educational opportunity, and Internet-related issues and concerns. Letter grading.
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