Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Requisites: courses 11, 101, 102. Limited to seniors. Overview of most current developments in international economics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Introduction to graduate-level research in this field. Different topic each week, with presentation and discussion of new papers. Research in progress presented, discussed, and criticized by visiting experts, UCLA faculty members, and advanced graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with courses C285A-C285B-C285C. P/NP or letter grading.
3.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Requisites: courses 11, 101, 102. Limited to seniors. Overview of most current developments in asset pricing theory for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Introduction to graduate-level research in this field. Different topic each week, with presentation and discussion of new papers. Research in progress presented, discussed, and criticized by visiting experts, UCLA faculty members, and advanced graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with courses C296A-C296BC296C. P/NP or letter grading.
3.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Requisites: courses 11, 101, 102. Limited to seniors. Overview of most current developments in labor economics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Introduction to graduate-level research in this field. Different topic each week, with presentation and discussion of new papers. Research in progress presented, discussed, and criticized by visiting experts, UCLA faculty members, and advanced graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with courses C266A-C266BC266C. P/NP or letter grading.
3.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Requisite: course 102. Limited to seniors. Overview of most current developments in monetary economics and macroeconomics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Introduction to graduate- level research in this field. Different topic each week, with presentation and discussion of new papers. Research in progress presented, discussed, and criticized by visiting experts, UCLA faculty members, and advanced graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with courses C226A-C226B-C226C. P/NP or letter grading.
3.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Requisites: courses 11, 101, 102. Limited to seniors. Overview of most current developments in industrial organization for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Introduction to graduate-level research in this field. Different topic each week, with presentation and discussion of new papers. Research in progress presented, discussed, and criticized by visiting experts, UCLA faculty members, and advanced graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with courses C276AC276B- C276C. P/NP or letter grading.
3.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Limited to seniors. Overview of most current developments in economic history for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Introduction to graduate-level research in this field. Different topic each week, with presentation and discussion of new papers. Research in progress presented, discussed, and criticized by visiting experts, UCLA faculty members, and advanced graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with courses C246A-C246B-C246C. P/NP or letter grading.
4.00 Credits
(Same as Environment M134.) Lecture, three hours. Requisites: course 41 or Statistics 12 or 13, and course 101 (may be waived with consent of instructor). Introduction to major ideas in natural resources and environmental economics, with emphasis on designing incentives to protect environment. Highlights important role of using empirical data to test hypotheses about pollution's causes and consequences. P/NP or letter grading.
4.00 Credits
(Same as Political Science M105.) Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Preparation: any lower division political science course. Enforced requisite: course 11. Designed for juniors/seniors. Analysis of methods and consequences of arriving at collective decisions through political mechanisms. Topics include free-rider problem, voting and majority choice, demand revelation, and political bargaining.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours; discussion, one hour. Enforced requisite: course 11. Prior political science course desirable but not essential. Designed for juniors/ seniors. Biological, cultural, and organizational sources of political conflict. Role of threats, promises, commitments. Models of onset and termination of conflict. Conduct of war: strategy and tactics. P/NP or letter grading.
4.00 Credits
Seminar, three hours. Corequisite: course CM178L. Use of range of pedagogical approaches to theory and practice of critical media literacy that necessarily involves understanding of new technologies and media forms. Study of both theory and production techniques to inform student analysis of media and critical media literacy projects. Concurrently scheduled with course CM278. Letter grading.
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