Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Study of the statistical behavior of physical systems composed of large numbers of similar particles. Derivation and application of the distribution functions for the cases of MaxwellBoltzmann statistics. BoseEinstein statistics and FermiDirac statistics. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisite: PHY 235 and PHY 333.
4.00 Credits
Computational methods, which include numerical integration, the solution of differential and transcendental equations, and statistical analysis, are applied to problems in mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and nonlinear dynamics. Familiarity with programming techniques such as loops, arrays, and functions in expected, at the level of CS 128 or ECE 114. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisites: PHY 133 and one of MAT 208, MAT 216, or MAT 224.
4.00 Credits
Concepts and mechanisms involved in the interpretation of biological systems. A description of living processes in physical terms. (See also BIO 410) 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisite: PHY 123, or PHY 132 and 133.
3.00 Credits
Mirrors, lenses and optical instruments; interference, diffraction, polarization and elements of spectroscopy; lasers and holography. 3 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisite: PHY 234. Corequisite for physics majors: PHY 417L.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory to be taken concurrently with PHY 417. One 3hour laboratory.
4.00 Credits
The fundamentals of acoustical vibrations, baffle effects, resonance and filters, and transmission phenomena will be presented using differential equations and complex variables. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisites: PHY 132 and MAT 215, 216.
4.00 Credits
Fundamental concepts and ideas in the study of ionized gases, including orbit theory, the "twofluid" equations, magnetohydrodynamics and the Vlasov theory. Plasma phenomena, such as waves, diffusion, equilibrium, stability and others. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisite: PHY 133.
4.00 Credits
Basic astrophysical data, stellar atmospheres and spectra, stellar structure and evolution, galactic structure and interstellar matter, galaxies and cosmology. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisite: PHY 235.
4.00 Credits
Planetary motions, gravitation, celestial mechanics, interplanetary space missions, techniques of space borne planetary observation, planetary physics. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisites: PHY 235, 321 (may be taken concurrently).
4.00 Credits
Review of special relativity, principle of equivalence, tensors, the metric tensor, general theory of relativity, cosmological models, gravitational waves, black holes, Hawking radiation, quantum gravity, connection with elementary particle theories. 4 lectures/problemsolving. Prerequisite: PHY 235, 315 (may be taken concurrently), 322 (may be taken concurrently).
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