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6.00 Credits
3 units 6 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of ENGR 120. Advisory: Eligibility for READ 099. This is an intermediate course in design/ drafting covering orthographic projection. Topics include dimensioning, tolerancing, section views, auxiliary views, blocks, Xrefs, attributes, bill of materials, isometric drawings, 3D modeling, and script files. Work to be performed in AutoCAD. (CSU, AVC) ( R2)
6.00 Credits
3 units 6 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of DRFT 130. Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 097 and READ 097. Techniques in architectural drafting are covered including the development of a complete set of plans for a two-story residential dwelling. Local and state codes, ASA and graphics standards are also included. Work to be performed in AutoCAD. (AVC)
6.00 Credits
3 units 6 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of ENGR 120. Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 070. A drafting course intended particularly for electronic students. The following subjects will be covered: lettering (freehand and with templates) use of instruments and special templates, orthographic projection, pictorial drawing, dimensioning, schematic wiring diagrams, connection drawings, printed circuit boards, electronic symbols industrial standards, component and assembly drawings, and microelectronic drawings. Work to be performed in AutoCAD. (AVC)
4.50 Credits
2 units 4.5 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of ENGR 120. Using AutoCAD and/or Inventor software, this advanced course in Computer Aided Design and Drafting will require the student to make 2-dimensional views of objects and then correct them to 3- dimensional wireframe models. The 3- dimensional wireframes will subsequently be corrected to 3-dimensional solids. The student will also make solid models directly without wireframe conversion. (CSU, AVC) ( R2)
3.00 Credits
3 units 3 hours weekly Advisory: Eligibility for College Level Reading and ENGL 099; and Eligibility for MATH 070. This course is a study of the basic e c o n o m i c p r i n c i p l e s g o v e r n i n g individual and business decisions. It includes an introductory analysis of fundamental microeconomic concepts and the application of these concepts to understanding the causes and consequences of consumer and business firm actions. It examines the determinants of firm specific supply and individual consumer demand, cost-benefit analysis, the theory of competitive equilibrium, price determination in various alternative market structures, and international trade. [CAN ECON 4] (CSU, UC, AVC)
3.00 Credits
3 units 3 hours weekly Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 070. Investigation of the economic inequalities that presently exist in America and the ramifications for the permanent underclass in society. Focus is primarily on women, Blacks, and Chicanos and deals specifically with the economic impact of poverty, unemployment, and discrimination on these groups. (CSU, UC, AVC)
3.00 Credits
3 units 3 hours weekly Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099 and READ 099. This survey course is designed for students wishing to enhance their understanding of the public school system or who are considering a career in education. The course includes an overview of the role of education as an institution in our society. Historical influences on education, responsibilities of teachers, certification requirements, and career opportunities are among the topics covered. A current TB clearance may be required. (CSU, AVC)
3.00 Credits
3 units 3 hours weekly Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099 and READ 099. This course is designed for prospective s p e c i a l e d u c a t i o n t e a c h e r s a n d paraeducators, parents, volunteers and workers interested in gaining basic information about the major disability groupings (i.e. mental retardation, visual impairment, communication disorders, etc.) in relationship to special education. The course will cover the history of the disabled, theories, and current trends and techniques used in educating and working with the disabled. A current TB clearance may be required. (CSU, AVC)
3.00 Credits
3 units 3 hours weekly Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099 and READ 099. This course is designed for prospective s p e c i a l e d u c a t i o n t e a c h e r s o r paraeducators, community volunteers and workers, or anyone interested in having a better understanding of the learning disabled. The course will range from a history of the learning disabled in public schools to definitions, theories, evaluation and assessment, current trends, and techniques in educating and working with the learning disabled. A current TB clearance may be required. (CSU, AVC)
4.00 Credits
1-4 units hours vary Prerequisite: Students must be registered in at least 7 units (including the Work Experience units) and have approval of instructor supervising work experience subject area. Prior to enrolling, students must attend a scheduled orientation. The Work Experience program provides supervised employment extending classroom-based learning to an on-thejob learning situation. Students meet with instructor by arrangement to discuss learning objectives, along with experiences and/or problems arising on the job. (CSU, AVC) ( R3)
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