Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of CA 103 or CA 221 or CIS 101, and Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 102. This is a first course for students planning or exploring a career in software design and development. This course emphasizes a c a r e f u l , d i s c i p l i n e d a p p r o a c h to computer programming. Problem solving through stepwise development of algorithms is presented. Students will learn programming language, syntax, coding, program logic, and program testing. Students will plan, create, test and run their own programs to solve typical problems. BEFORE ENROLLING students should have basic computer experience and be able to save and retrieve files, run applications, and print documents. (Engineering and science majors consult counselors.) (CSU, UC, AVC)
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of CIS 111 or CIS 161. Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 130, and Completion of CIS 121. This course continues the introduction to programming and algorithms begun in CIS 111, with a particular focus on the ideas of data abstraction and object-oriented programming. Topics include objectoriented programming, fundamental data structures, design and implementation of abstract data types, common types of collections (such as stacks, queues, lists, graphs, trees and sets), algorithm analysis and complexity, search and sort algorithms, and the use of recursion. Students plan and create programs using data structures and collection types to solve problems frequently encountered by professional computer scientists. This course is intended for students majoring in CIS. (Engineering and science majors consult counselors) (CSU, UC, AVC)
3.00 Credits
3 units 3 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of MATH 130 or MATH 140, and Eligibility for College Level Reading and ENGL 099. This is an introductory course in the areas of mathematics applicable to computer science. Topics include logic and circuits, sets, mathematical induction, graphs, trees, algorithm development and refinement, and computational models like finite state automata and Turing machines. Emphasis is placed on problem solving and application of mathematical theory to data structures, and database construction and operation. (Engineering and science majors consult counselors) (CSU, UC, AVC)
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of CIS 111, and Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 102. This course introduces assembly language programming and computer architecture to enable students to understand how programs are actually executed at the machine level. Students will use IBM-compatible personal computers for the detailed study of the Intel IA-32 processor instruction set and architecture and to develop programs using a macro assembler. Both 32-bit Windows console programming and 16-bit real-mode programming are covered. Topics include machine/ assembly level programming, instruction formats, internal data representation, addressing modes, procedure call and return mechanisms, and how high-level language constructs are implemented at the machine level, basic microcomputer organization, instruction execution cycle, memory segmentation and paging, and details of programming the processor in both protect-mode and in real-mode. BEFORE ENROLLING students should be proficient in writing programs in a high-level language. (Engineering and science majors consult counselors) [CAN CSCI 10] (CSU, UC, AVC)
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of CA 103 or CIS 101, and Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 102. This course is an introduction to the structure of BASIC (Beginners All- Purpose Symbolic Instructional Code) programming language, syntax, coding, program logic, and program testing. Students will learn the fundamentals of computer programming, problem specification, algorithm design, and the elements of the QBASIC programming language. The course will include reading, writing, debugging, and verifying QBASIC programs. This course will prepare students for entry-level programming jobs and upper-division courses requiring BASIC programming experience. (Engineering and science majors consult counselors.) [CAN CSCI16] (CSU, UC, AVC)
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of CIS 141 and either CIS 111 or CIS 173 or CIS 175, and Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 102. Students will learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Windows programming using the Visual BASIC.NET programming language. The course will include designing, implementing and testing Visual BASIC.NET programs, which will provide useful Windows applications to solve representative problems for business, science, mathematics, and engineering. This course is intended for students majoring in business or CIS or those desiring to increase their programming skills. (CSU, AVC)
4.00 Credits
(formerly Introduction to Unix) 3 units 4 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of CA 103 or CA 221 or CIS 101, and Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 102. This lecture and laboratory course will provide the basic understanding of using the Linux operating system. The course targets audiences that are interested in operating systems and will benefit those who are pursuing careers in Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, and Network Administration. The course will focus on the shell environment, system administration and security, programming, and the graphical user interface. BEFORE ENROLLING students must have a basic understanding of and experience with computer terminology, microcomputer hardware and sof twa r e , and di sk and f i l e management. (CSU, AVC)
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Advisory: Completion of CIS 101, and Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 130. Thi s cour s e i s de s igned to give the student an introduction to the C programming language. Students will learn the basic elements of the C language and a disciplined approach t o p r o g r a m d e v e l o p m e n t u s i n g structured programming techniques for readability, maintainability and defensive programming. Problem solving through stepwise development of algorithms and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging programs is presented. Students will plan, create, test, and run
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of CIS 161. Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 130. Completion of CIS 171 or concurrent enrollment. Students will learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language, what modifications and additions were made to the C programming language to produce C++, and how to implement an object-oriented design in C++. The course will include designing, implementing, and testing C++ programs that solve representative problems from business, science, mathematics, and engineering. This course is intended for students majoring in CIS. [CSCI 18] (CSU, UC, AVC)
4.00 Credits
3 units 4 hours weekly Prerequisite: Completion of CIS 111. Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 099, READ 099 and MATH 130. Students will learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Windows programming u s i n g t h e C # . N E T p r o g r a m m i n g language. The course will include designing, implementing and testing C#.NET programs, which will provide useful Windows applications to solve representative problems for business, science, mathematics and engineering. BEFORE ENROLLING students should understand object-oriented programming concepts. This course is intended for students majoring in business or CIS or those desiring to increase their programming skills. (CSU, AVC)
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