Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
A study of leadership with specific emphasis on the Air Force leader. Includes theoretical, professional and communicative aspects. In addition, military justice and administrative law are discussed within the context of the 124 military organization. Students continue to develop and refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, the cadet corps, which offers a wide variety of situations requiring effective leadership. Prerequisite: AFS 311.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory to accompany AFS 313. Pass/fail only. Co-requirement: AFS 313.
2.00 - 6.00 Credits
A study of an advanced problem on a subject area in aeronautical science under the guidance of a departmental staff member. One discussion per week; term paper is required. May not be repeated. Prerequisite: Senior standing in the AFROTG Program, and 3.0 standing in Aerospace Studies.
3.00 Credits
A study of the military profession, civil-military interaction, communicative skills, framework of defense policy, and formulation of defense strategy. Students refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, the cadet corps, which offers a wide variety of situations requiring effective leadership. Prerequisite: AFS 313, or approval of PAS.
1.00 Credits
A course designed and focused on developing advanced leadership skills. Students fill the top level management function within the cadet corps. The course involves the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps, and the preparation and presentation of briefings and other written and oral communications. The lab also includes practice of leadership techniques aimed at motivating and instructing cadets in the lower three levels. Pass/Fall only. Laboratory, two hours per week. Co-requirement: AFS 411.
3.00 Credits
Continues the study of strategy and the management of conflict, formulation and implementation of U.S. defense policy, defense organization, and case studies in defense policy making. Students also refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, the cadet corps, which offers a wide variety of situations requiring effective leadership. Prerequisite: AFS 411 or approval of PAS.
1.00 Credits
A continuation of AFS 412. A course designed and focused on developing advanced leadership skills. Students fill the top level management function within the cadet corps. The course involves the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps, and the preparation and presentation of briefings and other written and oral communications. The lab also includes practice of leadership techniques aimed at motivating and instructing cadets in the lower three levels. Pass/Fail only. Laboratory, two hours per week. Co-requirement: AFS 413.
2.00 Credits
This introductory course designed to give students an appreciation for some of the skills necessary for today's leaders includes time management, map reading, basic rifle marksmanship, and squad tactics.
2.00 Credits
This course introduces students to some of the fundamentals of leadership, both in a military and civilian context. Continues the emphasis placed on individual skills to include map reading, first aid, weapons, and assessment of physical fitness.
3.00 Credits
A six-week course conducted during the summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. This course may be taken instead of AMS 101, 102, 201, and 202. Prerequisites: The student must be physically fit and have two years of college remaining.
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