Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
4 cr. Looks at such questions as: What is science and what is it not?What are theories,models, laws and hypotheses? How do scientific theories change? What is the method and domain of science? Does science have a monopoly on "truth" about the world or does it ever achieve it?
2.00 Credits
ARR The roles and ministries which spouses of vocational Christian workers can expect in church and mission settings are introduced. Special attention is given to personal identity, expectations, family context, and service opportunities.
3.00 Credits
FALL The nature and mission of the church is studied from biblical and historical perspectives as a basis for understanding the leader's role today. A philosophy of a Great Commission healthy church is developed, along with an in-depth exploration of one's calling, character, identity, and giftedness for local church ministry. Contemporary ministry issues are also explored. Offered alternate years (Fall 2009).
3.00 Credits
FALL This course considers the relational context of ministry, emphasizing ways to work effectively with persons in the church, as well as the responsibilities of the minister in worship, prayer, evangelism, visitation, weddings, funerals and administering the ordinances. Offered alternate years (Fall 2008).
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
SPRING Students are placed in a local church under the supervision of a capable pastor in order to observe and participate in a wide range of ministries. The course includes pre-internship orientation and post-internship assessment with instructor. It is normally scheduled during the spring semester of the junior year. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Prerequisites: PST 312 and PST 322
3.00 Credits
SPRING or FALL Biblical principles for leading and administering a local church's ministry are explored. The course examines vision casting, goal setting, motivation, decision making, organization, working with boards and committees, leadership development, and the management of change and conflict in a local church.
3.00 Credits
ARR Ministry to Hmong churches within the United States is studied. Attention is given to the historical and cultural background of the Hmong people, their worldviews, the history of the Hmong Church in Laos and the United States, as well as leadership roles and practical ministry in Hmong churches today. Offered on demand.
4.00 Credits
4 cr. Designed to provide an overview of concepts, methods, and applications of psychology. Topics include psychology as a science, research methods, perspectives of psychology, sub disciplines of psychology, biological foundations of behavior, developmental psychology, sensation and perception, learning, memory, thinking, language development, intelligence testing, personality, psychological disorders, psychological and biomedical therapies for psychological disorders and social psychology.
3.00 Credits
FALL and SPRING This course is an introduction to the discipline of psychology, including the principles, methods, vocabulary, and major theories in the study of human behavior. Applications of psychology for life and ministry will be examined. Biblical teaching will be brought to bear on the subject matter to enable the student to develop a Christian perspective of psychology.
4.00 Credits
4 cr. Cognitive, personality/social, and physical development from conception to death. Within a life span developmental perspective, the course examines researchmethods,developmental theories,and application of research findings to selected problems in the major periods of the life span: the prenatal period, infancy,early/middle/late childhood, adolescence, and young/middle/late adulthood. The developmental perspective provides an important foundation for understanding normal children and adults,while also providing the essential knowledge base for the modern view of psychological disturbances as "normal development gone awry." This approach has practical implications for individualswith interests in parenting, caregiving, education, social services, and health sciences with both normal and exceptional populations. Prerequisite: none, but sophomore standing recommended.
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