Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Generalist social work theory and practice with organizations and communities. Application of human behavior in the social environment. Research-based knowledge emphasized. Assignments in community settings focus on engagement and assessment; dimensions of diversity; interaction of social systems; and strategies to promote human and civil rights. Must be taken concurrently with SOW330; SOW313.
SOW200Z; major in social work.
4.00 Credits
Interrelationship of social problems, social welfare policies, and service delivery from historical, economic, political, and program perspectives. Social systems content applied to social policy analysis. Students develop, analyze, advocate, and provide leadership for policy and service delivery that promote economic and social justice through community-based projects. Prerequisite: Major in social work. (Non-majors may take course only with consent of instructor.)
3.00 Credits
Generalist social work theory and practice with individuals and families. Beginning professional development, communication skills, and social change skills emphasized. Video assignment provides application of the helping process: engagement, assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation, and termination. Must be taken concurrently with SOW330; SOW304.
SOW200Z; major in social work.
3.00 Credits
An examination of societal conditions and their impact on individuals and communities. The influence of culture, power, various living conditions and different social realities are explored. Compares and contracts a bottom-up understanding with a top-down view through the application of contemporary writings, social theory, and the voices of diverse individuals. Experiential learning encourages the discovery of resolutions that promote personal response and practical action and contribute to social justice.
[GES130; Contemporary Western Life and Thought (L) course; World Cultures (U) course] or [GES246; World Cultures (U) course].
2.00 Credits
Provides an introductory field experience in a multi-service community-based agency serving an ethnically diverse population. Students apply and integrate beginning knowledge, values, skills, and ethics for social work practice with an emphasis on preparing for professional role. Weekly on-campus field seminar supports this integration while students work a minimum of 80 hours in a field setting under agency supervision. Must be taken concurrently with SOW304; SOW313.
SOW200Z; major in social work.
2.00 Credits
Field experience where students apply and integrate beginning knowledge, values, skills, and ethics for social work practice with an emphasis on diversity, social justice, and service. Weekly on-campus field seminar supports integration while students work a minimum of 100 hours in field setting under agency supervision.
SOW304; SOW313; SOW330; major in social work; admission to the Social Work Program; admission to the Social Work Field Program.
4.00 Credits
Social research methods, including an emphasis on becoming proficient and critical consumers of research-based data, for the purposes of knowledge advancement, informed practice, and program and practice effectiveness evaluation.
Mathematics (M) course; introductory course in the social and behavioral sciences. PSY230M or MAT207M recommended.
4.00 Credits
Generalist social work theory and practice with systems of all sizes. Emphasis on groups including task and treatment, group dynamics, leadership, and development of group work model. Case studies promote application of critical thinking, cultural competency skills, and researchinformed practice. Must be taken concurrently with SOW432.
SOW200Z; SOW304; SOW313; SOW330; SOW331; admission to the Social Work Program.
3.00 Credits
Field practicum in a practice setting where students perform the role of a professional social worker under supervision of a qualified field instructor. Weekly on-campus field seminar supports integration of theory with field practicum. Students work a minimum of 135 hours in field. Structured learning plan provides application of social work knowledge, values, and skills. Must be taken concurrently with SOW405.
Admission to the Social Work Program; admission to the Social Work Field Program.
3.00 Credits
A continuation of SOW432. Time involvement must total a minimum of 135 hours in the field. Satisfactory progress must be made toward competence in professional social work practice.
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