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  • 0.00 Credits

    Herbs & Womens Health Pre: Co: Herbs have long been used to support the body's immune and adrenal systems, build blood cleanse the liver and encourage overall health and vitality. During this course, you will become familiar with several safe yet effective herbs known to support women's health. Discover how to alleviate symptoms associated with PMS, peri-menopause, aniexty and sleep disorders. Learn which herbs are known to lower blood pressure and greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. We'll use herbs and essential oils to make some wonderful teas, therapeutic bath salts and body oils. Materials fee: $20. Payable to the instructor.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Improvisational Acting Workshop Pre: Co: Explore what it truly means to think on your feet through the use of theatre games that get us on stage without scripts. Sign up if you want to expand your imagination and creativity levels and have loads of fun!
  • 0.00 Credits

    Monologue Workshop Pre: Co: Come with your own monologue from an actual play (memorized, preferrably) and we will fine-tune and coach each individual. Learn how to benefit from taking direction. Additional monologues will also be available to work on during the workshop.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Choosing Your Best Colors Pre: Co: Learn 12 color categories to optimally flatter your personal coloring. Even if you've "had your colors done" in the past, with this state-of-the art color analysis system, you will see a remarkable difference the right clothing and make-up colors will make in your appearance. Your skin will look noticeably clearer; eyes brighter; and hair color livelier. You will be individually analyzed and leave class with a printed description of your best colors as a shopping guide. For an optional charge of $50 you will be able to purchase an extensive individualized palette of forty-eight fabric swatches to keep and use. Bring a bag lunch.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Holistic Nutrition: A Personalized Approach Pre: Co: There is so much information about nutrition and keeping fit. What are the best choices for each of us? Nutrition is more than food, it is how you nourish and care for yourself in all ways. Through discussion and self-analysis you will be able to find those factors which will provide a healthy lifestyle for your needs. Along with nutritional information, we will incorporate creative visualization, and your needs. Along with nutritional information, we will incorporate creative visualization, and innovative Mind, Body, and Spirit techniques for health and self knowledge.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Introduction to Your Energy Body Pre: Co: So you thought you were only a physical body with a mind. In this class, we will experience subtle energy systems which form the basis of alternative healing practices such as Reiki, Acupuncture, Energy Healing and Medical Intuition. We will identify and work with energy center (chakras), energy fields (auras) and meridians. Using discussion and visualizations we will explore possibilities for harmonizing mind-body-spirit imbalances.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Journal Writing....turning the pages of your soul Pre: Co: Bridge the inner and outer worlds. Connect the paths of action and reflection. Harness your thought to interact with the change the content of who y ou think you are and what you believe yourselve capeable of doing. Learn several alternatives of journaling, creative techniques and focal points. Watch as your journaling takes you on an adventure. Reminding you that life is being lived on many levels, journaling will help you to savor the experience of being alive.
  • 0.00 Credits

    From Good Girls to Great Women Pre: Co: In the process of growing up and becoming "good girls", what happens to our Dreams, Voices, Courage and our Bodies? In this workshop, learn what parts of us are still "good girls". Owning our voices and seeing with our hearts, learn exciting tools to reclaim ourselves. Celebrate the emergence of Great Women!
  • 0.00 Credits

    Creating a Sacred Space Pre: Co: Whether a basket, box, shelf, or table, a sacred space cradles your soul's yearning for expression. Pay tribute to your most heartfelt connections and acknowledge your grief and sadness, silently telling the truth about who you are.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Reaching the Artist Within Pre: Co: With a variety of mediums, invite the playful side of yourself to come forth, side-stepping the inner critical voice. Surprise yourself on this journey of self discovery that awakens the artist in all of us. The process is simple; the effects are profound. It is never too late to begin!
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