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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor This course examines typical graphics systems, both hardware and software. Topics include design of low-level software support for raster and vector displays, three-dimensional surface and solids modeling, hidden line and hidden surface algorithms. Shading, shadowing, refection, refraction and surface texturing are also included.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor Topics in this course will include finite automata and regular languages, context- free languages, Turing machines and their variants, partial recursive functions and grammars, Church’s thesis, undecidable problems, complexity of algorithms and completeness.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor This course deals with techniques in the analysis of algorithms. Topics to be chosen from among the following: dynamic programming, search and traverse techniques, backtracking, numerical techniques, NP-hard and NP-complete problems, approximation algorithms and other topics in the analysis and design of algorithms.
0.00 Credits
No course description available.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor This course is an introduction to LISP or another AI programming language. Topics are chosen from pattern recognition, theorem proving, learning, cognitive science and vision. It also presents introduction to the basic techniques of AI such as heuristic search, semantic nets, production systems, frames, planning and other AI topics.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: COMP 560 Architectures currently used in building expert systems are studied in this course. The main current systems are surveyed along with expert system environments and tools.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor This course is an introduction to first order predicate logic as a problem-solving tool. Logic programming languages such as PROLOG are studied along with applications of logic programming to mathematics fields, natural language processing and law.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor This is a project-oriented course in robotics. Topics are chosen from manipulator motion and control, motion planning, legged-motion, vision, touch sensing, grasping, programming languages for robots and automated factory design.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: COMP 560 This is a historical survey of question-answering systems. Topics include analysis and computational representation of syntactic and semantic structures for artificial intelligence application using English; current text systems; simulation of brief systems and other aspects of cognition; use of natural language systems; and generation of text or speech.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the MS program in Computer Science or consent of instructor In this course, topics will include relational, hierarchical and network data models; design theory for relational databases and query optimization; classification of data models, data languages; concurrency, integrity, privacy; modeling and measurement of access strategies; and dedicated processors, information retrieval and real time applications.
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