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3.00 Credits
Studies in practical aspects and styles of theatre production. Practical elements can include stage management; costume, set, lighting or sound design; or makeup, movement, and voice for the actor. Styles can include readers' theatre, non-Western theatre, improvisation, or musical theatre. Prerequisite: 100-level theatre course or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Possible topics include: Stagecraft and Design Sets, lights, costume and sound design, construction and execution. Prerequisite: THE 116 Play Production: Technical. 3 Cr Directing An investigation into the work of the theatrical director, the process of guiding the cast through the process that brings the script and the director's concept to the stage. Subjects covered will include script analysis, conceptualization, and the practical aspects of bringing these ideas to realization. Directors will work with actors through casting, rehearsal, and performance on two projects. Prerequisite: THE 101, THE 211, and THE 311, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An upper-level investigation of the skills used on stage by the actor. Emphasis is on scripted material including analysis, characterization, and the actors' techniques of voice, movement, and style. Each actor will compile a "portfolio" of monologues to use for audition pieces. Prerequisite: THE 102 and 116 Performance, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Studies in practical aspects and styles of theatre production. Practical elements can include stage management; costume, set, lighting or sound design; or makeup, movement, and voice for the actor. Styles can include readers' theatre, non-Western theatre, improvisation, or musical theatre. Prerequisite: 100-level theatre course or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Possible topics include Stagecraft and Design and Directing. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An independent study opportunity that allows students to progress beyond the cataloged courses by working with a mentor in the program. Students may undertake advanced study in areas such as Design and Directing or explore areas outside the catalog. Students may work in existing courses and through a learning contract with the instructor supplement the classroom learning. For instance, a student may participate in Advanced Acting course in such a way as to fulfill the requirements of Acting III. A student may also file a Non-traditional Study Application to register for this course. Prerequisite: 60 cr, completion of the common requirements for the Theatre Concentration, and two other courses at the 3/400 level; or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An independent study opportunity that allows students to progress beyond the cataloged courses by working with a mentor in the program. Students may undertake advanced study in areas such as Design and Directing or explore areas outside the catalog. Students may work in existing courses and through a learning contract with the instructor supplement the classroom learning. For instance, a student may participate in Advanced Acting course in such a way as to fulfill the requirements of Acting III. A student may also file a Non-traditional Study Application to register for this course. Prerequisite: 60 cr, completion of the common requirements for the Theatre Concentration, and two other courses at the 3/400 level; or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An independent study opportunity that allows students to progress beyond the cataloged courses by working with a mentor in the program. Students may undertake advanced study in areas such as Design and Directing or explore areas outside the catalog. Students may work in existing courses and through a learning contract with the instructor supplement the classroom learning. For instance, a student may participate in Advanced Acting course in such a way as to fulfill the requirements of Acting III. A student may also file a Non-traditional Study Application to register for this course. Prerequisite: 60 cr, completion of the common requirements for the Theatre Concentration, and two other courses at the 3/400 level; or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An independent study opportunity that allows students to progress beyond the cataloged courses by working with a mentor in the program. Students may undertake advanced study in areas such as Design and Directing or explore areas outside the catalog. Students may work in existing courses and through a learning contract with the instructor supplement the classroom learning. For instance, a student may participate in Advanced Acting course in such a way as to fulfill the requirements of Acting III. A student may also file a Non-traditional Study Application to register for this course. Prerequisite: 60 cr, completion of the common requirements for the Theatre Concentration, and two other courses at the 3/400 level; or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
This course provides the basics of video production, incorporating both lecture and laboratory experience. Students will learn about shot composition, sound, lighting, and editing, all from a digital video format. Students will produce and edit several projects from a variety of media formats, depending on the interests of the student. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
This course builds on the skills mastered in VID 101. It incorporates both lecture and laboratory experience. Students will continue to refine their field production skills, including shot composition, sound, and lighting. In particular, students will learn some of the more complicated editing techniques of non-linear post-production. Students will produce and edit projects from a variety of media formats, depepending on the interests of the student. Prerequisite: VID 101 or CMY 110, sophomore standing, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A study of the basic theories and practices in modern grammar and usage, within the context of improving essay-writing skills. Although the course deals primarily with traditional grammar, introduction to generative, structural and transformational systems may also be considered. While students work on individual writing projects under the direction of the instructor, the class at the same time functions as a group to discuss readings and to critique student work to develop editing and revision skills. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
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