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3.00 Credits
An introduction to the art and science of preparing grant proposals for nonprofit organizations. Emphasis is placed on writing and research skills. By examining the nature and interests of granting agencies and applicant organizations, students learn the importance of relationship-building and how to match funding needs with appropriate grant opportunities. The preparation of mock grant proposals takes students through the entire grant application cycle of need definition, grant research, program and budget planning, proposal writing, submission/review/ funding, and post-award administration. Prerequisite: Knowledge of nonprofit/public organizations, writing ability, and Internet skills. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A supervised situation in which students are given the opportunity to gain personal experience and knowledge in teaching and leading outdoor recreation activities. Students plan, organize and lead outdoor recreation activity courses, outings for the Outing Club, and other outdoor experiences. Enrollment in this course is by permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A seminar to integrate previous course and field experiences. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving procedures using case studies. Studies of current issues, status, trends, and future directions in leisure and recreation are included. Prerequisite: REM 321. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Allows qualified students to gain personal experience teaching and leading recreation/fitness activities at the college level under supervised conditions. Students enrolled in this course will actually teach a .5-1.0 college credit course under the direct supervision of a UMM faculty member. Students must have current certifications and/or licenses to teach/lead the activity and must be approved by a supervising UMM faculty member before registering for the course. 1-3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to provide the general educator and other interested students with an understanding of the characteristics and needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Students will learn about a range of topics including:the history of the special education movement, the provisions of IDEA and PL94-142, inclusion, transition, classroom modifications, and instruction. Students will also survey the characteristics of various disabilities, and how they affect individuals and their families. Factors that put students at risk, cultural and linguistic diversity, and giftedness are also explored. A field experience over an extended period of time is included. Prerequisite: EDU 210 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Students will study the American legal system and procedural due process in order to develop a framework for addressing legal issues relating to students with disabilities. The six principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act will be covered as well as providing for a free appropriate public education, identifying and assessing students, educating in the least restrictive environment, providing related services, addressing discipline issues, and finding solutions to challenging situations facing students with disabilities. The role of the federal, state and local government in special education issues will also be covered with special emphasis on case and regulatory law, including Maine regulations. Prerequisite: SED 310 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
This course will examine the principles and procedures of non-discriminatory evaluation under IDEA as it relates to school-age students with mild to moderate disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on basic terminology, legal and ethical principles, technical adequacy, procedures, assessment instruments, administration, and effective communication. Prerequisite: SED 310 or permission of instructor 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to help prospective special education teachers understand the Maine Learning Results, national mathematics standards, instructional strategies and assessment techniques, and to develop organizational structures related to teaching mathematics to diverse learners in elemntary schools. Topics include problem solving, finding numerical patterns, fractions and percents, measurement, characteristics of geometric shapes, developing positive attitudes towards mathematics, and the use of manipulative and computer software. Methods of adapting lessons for diverse learning needs and increasing the mathematics skills of inclusion children are the central issues to be addressed. Students will develop a sample Personalized Alternate Assessment Portfolio (PAAP) and will have a practicum at a local school. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Students will develop an understanding of how to plan individualized education programs, how to assess individual student needs, how to adapt instruction to improve student performance and how to select, analyze and adapt curriculum for students with special needs. Professional partnerships, the basics of collaboration and working effectively with parents and paraeducators in order to create an educational environment that will promote self-awareness and independent student learning will also be covered. Prerequisite: SED 310 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
This course provides the special educator with techniques and skills for effective communication, consultation and collaboration with families, general educators, and other professionals. The main emphasis of the course is on understanding collaborative consultation as a process that enables people with diverse expertise to work together to generate solutions for educating students with special needs. The course will increase awareness of the framework and rationale for collaboration, the facilitating factors involved, and strategies for implementation. This course satisfies the State of Maine Teacher of Students with Disabilities (282) endorsement. Prerequisite: SED 310 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
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