Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    An overview of career opportunities in the leisure service industry including discussions of professionalism, exploration of career objectives, examination of professional journals, and personal interaction with working professionals from several different segments of the leisure service industry. Speakers and the career development office help students explore individual interests, values, and job characteristics so they can choose an appropriate career direction more readily. Offered fall semester only. 2 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A philosophical foundation in the theories of leisure, recreation and play that also traces the historical framework of the leisure service industry. The sociological, psychological and physiological significance of play, recreation and leisure as it relates to the individual lifespan and society as a whole is explored. The course will explore the changing role of leisure and the leisure services profession. Offered spring semester only. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A survey of outdoor recreation activities that addresses personal motivation for participation as well as direct and indirect psychological, social and physical benefits derived from participation. Economic, technological, political and environmental impacts of outdoor recreation are examined. Historical perspectives, professional responsibilities, human and natural resource elements, and future trends are explored. The course includes active participation in outdoor activities such as lake canoeing, ocean kayaking, backpacking, camping, and map and compass skills. Emphasis is placed on outdoor leadership philosophies and techniques. Offered fall semester only. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Develops philosophical, organizational, participation and leadership skills in an effort to promote safe, enjoyable participation in outdoor activities while considering the impact on and the protection of the natural resource. The motivation for participation and the role of the outdoor leader are explored in detail. This course includes active participation in outdoor activities such as skiing, winter camping, snowshoeing and river canoeing. Risk management planning is an integral part of the course. Offered spring semester only. Prerequisite: REM 121 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to prepare a student to lead an extended canoeing trip on a wilderness river. The learning experiences in this course are designed to help students develop an awareness and appreciation of the Maine woods, and to enjoy it safely, while leaving it environmentally sound. This course provides excellent preparation for taking the Maine Guide exam. Prerequisite: REM 121 and REM 122, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Develops an awareness of safety in a variety of recreational settings. The course includes theoretical understandings and practical experiences directed toward prevention of hazardous conditions and emergency situations. The student may obtain Red Cross Emergency Response Certification. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to introduce students to sailing and basic boating safety. The course covers basic seamanship, sailing theory and techniques, boat handling, navigation, marine safety, and proper procedures for administering sailing programs. Students also have an opportunity to develop an awareness and appreciation of the Maine waterways. Prerequisite: REM 121 and REM 122, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Explores leisure theory, concepts of play and impacts of organizational structure on the outcome of any activity. Using a variety of non-sport activities such as games, crafts, music and drama, relationships between resources and experiences are explored and appropriate facilitation techniques for all individuals and groups within society are analyzed. Developing an understanding of the nature and diversity of leisure activities is the goal of this course. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Intended to give the student a general understanding of sports in a recreational setting. Topics include the planning process, organizing activities, presentation methods and techniques and evaluation procedures. Students develop an appreciation of individual differences as they relate to sports programming. The impacts of and relationships between many current societal issues and sport are explored. Prerequisite: REM 201 plus 2 semesters of physical education activities. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to prepare students as leaders of an extended wilderness sea kayaking trip. Students not only develop kayak skills, but more importantly develop techniques for programming safe, educational and fun kayak trips for beginners through advanced paddlers. A thorough understanding of all skills necessary to lead a successful trip will be developed. There is no prerequisite although REM 121 and REM 122 would be beneficial. 3 Cr
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