Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course introduces students to case management as it is utilized in the health and human services fields. Case management is a process of assessing a client's needs, and planning and facilitating their connections with health and human services and other resources. Case management includes education, advocacy and networking with providers and services across many disciplines. This course will introduce students to the skills and responsibilities central to case management, as well as professional, legal, and ethical issues that impact this service. This course is required for full MHRT certification. Prerequisite: PSY 110 and PSY 211 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will introduce students to concepts of trauma, as well as resiliency and recovery. The psychological term trauma describes significant events that are usually devastating, life-threatening and shocking. Traumatic events can have on-going impacts on people's thinking, feeling and behavior. This course will include information of types of traumatic experience (i.e. assault, sexual abuse, motor vehicle accidents, combat experience or natural disaster), basic knowledge and skills used in assessment and screening of trauma, and an overview of services and supports for people who have experienced trauma. Historical, social and cultural factors which impact our understanding of trauma will also be addressed, as well as trauma's social and physiological impact. This course is required for full MHRT certification. Prerequisite: PSY 110 and PSY 230, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A human information processing approach to human perception and cognition. Relationships between psychological and physical realities are formalized as students consider the physiological and psychological processes in the behaviors discussed. Topics include attention, vision, audition, knowledge representation, memory, language, problem solving, and decision making. Prerequisite: MAT 113, PSY 110, PSY 320, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course designed to provide students with an understanding of how drugs alter behavior and how alterations in behavior predispose an individual to substance abuse. For each of the drugs and behaviors discussed in this course, the implications of using drugs to induce changes in behavior are applied to the individual and to society. As such, another objective in this course is to make students more informed consumers of drugs and more capable of educating others in society. Topics include principles of drug action, tolerance, dependency, major classes of psychoactive drugs, and societal implications. Prerequisite: PSY 110, PSY 322, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is a study of behaviors that typically bring prompt intervention and the interventions appropriate at such times. Students will learn to identify behaviors that indicate psychological crises. The course will cover events such as being a danger to self or other; being so mentally ill that the person is not able to function; substance abuse related problems; trauma-related problems and behavior associated with the abuse of children, spouses and the elderly. Areas to be covered include personal skills, modes of intervention, appropriate referral tactics, and issues of social and legal relevance. Prerequisite: PHI 201, PSY 110 and PSY 230 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course focuses on mental health and older adults. Both healthy development and mental health problems as manifested by older adults will be addressed, as well as ways to conceptualize mental health problems. This class will consider the social, cultural and community context that older adults experience and examine stereotypes associated with aging. This course is required for full MHRT certification. Prerequisite: PSY 110, PSY 230 and PSY 212 or PSY 324, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is an overview of different treatment models for chemical dependency and dual diagnosis treatment. Chemical dependency for the purposes of this course will include diagnoses of substance abuse and dependence for alcohol, street drugs and abused prescription medication. Dual diagnosis in this context refers to having both a mental health diagnosis (i.e. depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder) and a substance abuse or dependence disorder. Students will be reviewing the history and development of dual diagnosis treatment and learning about screening, assessment and basic treatment models, as well as understanding the current array of services for chemical dependency. This course is required for full MHRT certification. Prerequisite: PSY 110, PSY 211, SSC 302, PSY 230 and PSY 327, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Courses designed to allow students to pursue study in an area within Psychology. Courses vary in content in response to student interest and demand. Some possible courses could include Conflict Analysis & Resolution, Ecological Psychology, Readings in Applied Psychology, Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Multicultural Psychology, Community Psychology, Stress Management, Human Factors Psychology, History of Psychology, Perception & Cognition, Psychology of Motivation or Psychology of the Family. Under this topics heading, other Mental Health & Rehabilitation Technician Certification courses could be offered, including Sexual Abuse, Trauma & Recovery; Case Management, Mental Health & Aging, Substance Abuse with a Dual Diagnosis Component; Group Process; or Vocational Aspects of Disability. Prerequisite: Dependent upon the course offered, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course in the field of outdoor recreation providing a choice of activity and credit. Depending on the season and the scheduling requirements, this selection may include canoeing, backpacking, sailing, riflery, and ocean kayaking. Students should be willing to participate in the activities as this course contains extensive field experiences. .5-1 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    Provides an introduction to college and specifically to UMM exploring campus policies and procedures, campus services and opportunities, study skills and time management, student responsibilities and image, etc. The intent of the course is to help students in their adjustment to the new experience of college life. Offered fall semester only. 1 Cr
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