Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Instrumentalists and singers (Pop Band, Chamber Ensemble, Town/Pep Band, etc.) rehearse weekly, culminating in public performance(s) near the end of the semester. All groups may include both singers and players except Town/Pep Band, which is an instrumental ensemble dedicated to traditional band literature. Pop Band performs songs of any and all styles. Chamber Ensemble explores classical music, and has MUS 119 or permission of instructor as a prerequisite. This is the only group with a prerequisite. Other musical experiences for academic credit are possible, and have been offered. 1 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course in which each student, regardless of experience, learns and/or develops guitar techniques: tuning, fingerpicking, strumming, music reading/writing, jamming, melodic playing and accompaniment. Primary lecture topics include chords, harmonic theory, style, ear training, posture, exercise, practice techniques, and guitar selection. Beginners and more experienced players are welcome. Each student must provide his or her own guitar. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The basic course in musical awareness, informed listening, and the elements of music. It assumes no prior knowledge of music and prepares students for lifelong enjoyment as a vital link in the musical experience. It also prepares the student for courses in music history. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Music notation, basic performance and composition techniques (vocal and instrumental), beginning harmony and sight singing are covered. This course in practical music making is the first course in the music theory sequence and is a prerequisite to all other theory courses. 3 Cr
1.00 Credits
Instrumentalists and singers (Pop Band, Chamber Ensemble, Town/Pep Band, etc.) rehearse weekly, culminating in public performance(s) near the end of the semester. All groups may include both singers and players except Town/Pep Band, which is an instrumental ensemble dedicated to traditional band literature. Pop Band performs songs of any and all styles. Chamber Ensemble explores classical music, and has MUS 119 or permission of instructor as a prerequisite. This is the only group with a prerequisite. Other musical experiences for academic credit are possible, and have been offered. 1 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course in which each student, regardless of experience, learns and/or develops guitar techniques: tuning, fingerpicking, strumming, music reading/writing, jamming, melodic playing and accompaniment. Primary lecture topics include chords, harmonic theory, style, ear training, posture, exercise, practice techniques, and guitar selection. Beginners and more experienced players are welcome. Each student must provide his or her own guitar. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An umbrella course designed for the investigation of various music styles, periods, practices, and ideas not covered in other course work. American Popular Music History, American Musical Theatre (Broadway), Jazz Survey, Women in Music, and the Beatles are topics offered recently. Prerequisites depend upon the specific course. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Scales, intervals, chords, and their interrelationships. The study of four-part harmony is begun. Practice in sight singing, rhythmic, melodic and harmonic dictation is given; transcription and original composition are stressed. Prerequisite: MUS 119 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The basic tenets of songwriting learned through analysis and creative work. A personal portfolio of songs and demonstration recordings is compiled, then shared with, and critiqued by, the class. This course has been taught in both full-semester/classroom and intensive/outdoor formats. Songwriting fulfills elective credit in both the Creative Writing and Music minors. Prerequisite: ENG 101 and MUS 119, or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. 3 Cr
1.00 Credits
A choral group performing a cappella and accompanied songs and larger works of all periods and styles. Courses are identical and may be repeated for credit. 1 CrMUS 307 Applied Music: Performing GroupsInstrumentalists and singers (Pop Band, Chamber Ensemble, Town/Pep Band, etc.) rehearse weekly, culminating in public performance(s) near the end of the semester. All groups may include both singers and players except Town/Pep Band, which is an instrumental ensemble dedicated to traditional band literature. Pop Band performs songs of any and all styles. Chamber Ensemble explores classical music, and has MUS 119 or permission of instructor as a prerequisite. This is the only group with a prerequisite. Other musical experiences for academic credit are possible, and have been offered. 1 Cr
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