Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    The goal of this course is to provide students interested in teaching middle- or high-school level mathematics, or others simply interested in the topic, the necessary understanding of the historical foundation of mathematics. The course will explore the origins of mathematics from anthropological and sociological viewpoints. It will then use this as a base for exploring the cultural development of basic numbering, arithmetic, basic statistics (mean, median, mode, etc.), simple probability, basic geometry, measurement (area, volume, etc.), patterns, including symmetry and basic networks, mathematical reasoning, and using mathematics to communicate. The development of these areas, all of which are contained in the Maine State Learning Results for middle and secondary grades, will be explored from various cultural perspectives including a selection from prehistoric, Native American, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Ancient Greek, Roman, Hindu, Islamic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and European cultures. The course is designed to be a survey course that will allow for such a broad view of the development of mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 4.00 Credits

    An introduction to elementary functions, designed to prepare the student for calculus. Topics include polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Graphing calculator techniques are principal tools. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or demonstrated proficiency in pre-college mathematics. 4 Cr
  • 4.00 Credits

    Basic concepts of differential and integral calculus: limits, continuity, differentiation and integration of elementary functions, graphing, maxima and minima, and the Fundamental Theorem. A computer algebra system is used extensively. Prerequisite: MAT 122 or equivalent. 4 Cr
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Methods and applications of integration, some differential equations, exponential and logarithmic growth, and infinite series. A computer algebra system is used extensively. Prerequisite: MAT 126. 4 CrMAT 200 Topics in MathematicsA post-calculus course in multi-variable calculus, linear algebra, dynamical systems, differential equations, discrete math, numerical analysis or modeling. Topics are rotated to accommodate student needs and interests. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor. Prerequisite: MAT 126 or 127, depending on the topic. 1-4 Cr
  • 4.00 Credits

    Designed for students who intend to use statistics and statistical software later in their education and professional lives. This course offers an extensive and in-depth introduction to the concepts and methods of statistics in the three parts: data analysis, data production, and statistical inference. The course also includes a limited introduction to probability. Students learn about the role of variability in hypothesis testing using both parametric and non-parametric tests. The course is taught in the computer classroom with each student having individual access to statistical software. The software, used for all applications discussed in class, is an important part of the course for demonstration, student tutorials, and discussing homework. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or equivalent. 4 Cr
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course will introduce students to the most common and widely used experimental designs to generate biological data for both continuous and categorical variables. The emphasis will be on how to: 1) design resource-appropriate sampling programs; 2) avoid mistakes that make analyzing data difficult; and, 3) properly analyze data. Statistical methods such as analysis of variance, linear and non-linear regression, analysis of covariance, analysis of frequencies, and an introduction to multivariate analysis will be presented. Prerequisite: MAT 215. 4 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    The publishing process combining type, pictures and drawings on a computer screen. Students gain in-depth understanding of the capabilities and functions of the latest desktop publishing software packages used in business and industry. Specifically, the course is designed to enable students to acquire the skills necessary to use graphics packages and design document layout strategies for the purpose of producing professional-looking reports, newsletters, manuals, bulletins, brochures, business forms and other documents. Computers and software are available for classroom use. In addition, laboratory facilities are provided for all students. Prerequisite: Prior experience with computers, or interview with instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the study of weather and weather-related phenomena including solar radiation, temperature, moisture, winds, air pressure, air masses, weather patterns, weather analysis, weather forecasting, climate, weather instruments, and computers. Upon completion of this course, a student should have a qualitative understanding of how many of the basic principles of physics, chemistry and mathematics are applied in meteorology; an ability to relate personal weather observations to data received from weather instruments and analyzed on standard weather charts; and a new set of general data analysis skills. The course is delivered asynchronously and the Web is used extensively. 4 Cr
  • 1.00 Credits

    A choral group performing a cappella and accompanied songs and larger works of all periods and styles. Courses are identical and may be repeated for credit. 1 Cr
  • 1.00 Credits

    Individual or group instruction in vocal or instrumental performance (drums, guitar, piano, violin, voice, winds, etc.). Each student, whether a beginner or a more experienced musician, is expected to progress at his or her own optimum rate. An in-house performance at semester's end (closed to the public) is the final for this course. Instruction on some instruments may be contingent upon faculty availability. May be repeated for credit. 1 Cr
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