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3.00 Credits
A course to provide the student with an understanding of why people decide upon the products they purchase. The consumer decision process is stressed, as well as other aspects that influence consumers' behavior including cultural and subcultural influences. Social class and group influence, the family, the role of learning, attitudes, information search, the purchasing procedure and post-purchase processes are examined. Prerequisite: MAR 101, PSY 110 or SOC 114, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A study of the marketing research process that gives the student a tool to enhance his or her ability to make marketing management decisions. Topics include research project formulation, research designs, secondary data, sampling techniques, data collection, editing, coding, tabulation, data analysis, report writing, and communication. Prerequisite: 9 cr in marketing and MAT 113. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
To prepare students for algebra and college-level mathematics, an understanding of arithmetic and pre-algebra topics and their mastery is emphasized. Special topics include the arithmetic operations of whole, fractional, and decimal numbers; applications of percentages; basic algebraic operations; and geometric concepts and measurement. Placement in MAT 009 is by the UMM Mathematics Placement test. 3 Cr(Non-Degree)
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the language and skills used for quantitative problem solving in all fields of inquiry and for subsequent work in mathematics. Topics include problem-solving skills, algebraic equations, inequalities, functions, polynomials, and systems of equations and inequalities. Prerequisite: initial placement or by completing MAT 009 with a minimum grade of C-. 3 Cr(Non-Degree)
3.00 Credits
A course in the language and skills used for quantitative problem solving in all fields of inquiry and for subsequent work in mathematics. Topics include quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions with applications and solutions to equations and inequalities. Prerequisite: demonstrated proficiency in MAT 012. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course to provide familiarity with topics of mathematics that are noted for their contemporary practicality in non-technical areas, are important concepts in current public discourse, or have a rich aesthetic value. Topics include voting systems, population growth, fractals, chaos, and game theory. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or demonstrated proficiency in pre-college mathematics. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The first semester of a two-semester sequence intended as mathematics background for students in elementary education and humanities programs. The primary emphasis is the development of the arithmetic of natural numbers: integers, rational and real numbers. The course also surveys techniques in problem solving, set theory, number theory, elementary topics in geometry, probability and statistics. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or demonstrated proficiency in pre-college mathematics. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The second semester of a two-semester sequence intended as mathematics background for students in elementary education and humanities programs. The primary emphasis is the development of the arithmetic of natural numbers: integers, rational and real numbers. The course also surveys techniques in problem solving, set theory, number theory, elementary topics in geometry, probability and statistics. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or demonstrated proficiency in pre-college mathematics. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The study of systems of linear functions, matrices, and linear programming with an emphasis on applications to business, economics, biology, and the social sciences. Additional topics are selected from probability, Markov chains, game theory, difference equations, decision theory, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or demonstrated proficiency in pre-college mathematics. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
Designed for students who need a reading knowledge of introductory statistical concepts, this course focuses on basic concepts and methods of statistics: data analysis, data production, and statistical inference. Data analysis concerns the methods for exploring, organizing, and describing data. Data production looks at methods for producing data to answer specific questions. Statistical inference moves beyond the data to draw conclusions about a wider universe, taking into account that conclusions are uncertain. To describe and understand statistical inference, a limited introduction to probability is presented. The class is taught in a computer classroom using statistical software extensively for classroom demonstration, homework assignments, and student tutorials. Prerequisite: MAT 012 or equivalent. 3 Cr
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