Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Topics for pre-service and practicing teachers interested in education, pre-kindergarten through the secondary level. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: vary by topic. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course designed to explore issues and strategies relevant to science teaching in an elementary classroom. Integrated science curriculum materials are designed, implemented and assessed in a field practicum. Inquiry-based models for science instruction such as project-based learning are explored, as are more traditional instructional techniques. The extended field practicum in a local elementary classroom is an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: EDU 220 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 4.00 Credits

    A course designed to assist prospective teachers in acquiring the competencies necessary to organize, instruct, evaluate, and manage the communication skills in the elementary/middle school programs. Course content focuses on the theories, approaches and related materials and effective practices in developmental listening, speaking, reading and writing in grades K-4. The focus is on an integrated approach to communication skills acquisition. Students are required to demonstrate competency in utilizing technology for skill reinforcement. Consideration is given to the needs of exceptional children in the regular classroom. Prerequisite: EDU 220 and successful completion of Praxis I. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course designed to acquaint prospective elementary and middle-level teachers with the content, strategies, techniques, materials, and organizational structures related to teaching mathematics. Topics include problem solving, logical thinking, finding numerical patterns, transmitting positive attitudes towards mathematics, and the use of manipulatives and technology. Methods of increasing the mathematics skills of children with exceptionalities are addressed. A practicum is an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: EDU 220 or EDU 313, MAT 107, MAT 108, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course designed to acquaint prospective secondary teachers with current language development theory, curriculum methods, and materials for the effective teaching of composition, literature, and oral language. Issues such as state standards, assessment, censorship, use of technology, and the needs of mainstreamed exceptional students are included. A practicum is required. Prerequisite: EDU 313 and 24 cr in English, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course focusing on history as the traditional core of the social studies curriculum. Prospective middle and secondary school teachers explore the nature of historical knowledge and its relevance for students in grades 7-12. In addition to considering the practical implications of theoretical disputes in the field, students are equipped with a range of specific instructional strategies. A practicum in local schools, including observation and presentation of a series of lessons, provides students an opportunity to apply principles and insights acquired through the course. Prerequisite: EDU 313 and 24 cr in social sciences, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides students with experience and skills in planning, implementing and assessing learning and inquiry activities for the middle and secondary level mathematics classrooms. It will also assist students in developing a modern philosophy of mathematics education. Students will examine central concepts in mathematics, gain computer skills in processing scientific/mathematical data, and examine the process for representing physical systems as mathematical models. The students will develop inquiry activities that are aligned to standards-based mathematics curricula and apply them to class through practica. In an attempt to develop authentic assessments aligned to mathematics education standards, students will also examine a comprehensive assessment system and critically evaluate assessment portfolios based on standards. This course addresses the standards of the Maine Learning Results, Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MeCAS), Maine Education Assessment and the National Council of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. Prerequisite: EDU 313, 24 cr in mathematics, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 8.00 Credits

    A course designed to assist prospective teachers in acquiring the competencies necessary to organize, instruct, evaluate, and manage the communication skills in the elementary/middle school programs. Course content focuses on the theories, approaches and related materials and effective practices in developmental listening, speaking, reading, and writing in grades 5-8. The focus is on an integrated approach to communication skills acquisition. Students are required to demonstrate competency in utilizing technology for skill reinforcement. Consideration is given to the needs of exceptional children in the regular classroom. A practicum is required. Prerequisite: EDU 220 or EDU 334. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides students with experience and skills in planning, implementing, and assessing inquiry activities for the middle and secondary level science classrooms. It will also assist students in developing a modern philosophy of science teaching at the secondary level. Students will examine central ideas in science, gain computer skills in processing scientific data, and examine the process for representing physical and living systems as mathematical models. Students will develop inquiry activities that are aligned to standards-based science curriculum and apply them in class through the practicum. In an attempt to develop authentic assessments aligned to science education standards, students will also examine a comprehensive assessment system and critically evaluate assessment portfolios based on standards. This course addresses the standards of the Maine Learning Results, Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MeCAS), and the National Science Education Standards (NSES). Prerequisite: EDU 210 and 16 credits of science or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course designed to assist prospective elementary and middle-level teachers in acquiring competencies to diagnose the reading and writing needs of the learner, plan an appropriate remedial program, and evaluate reading and writing achievement for the exceptional student in the regular classroom. A practicum experience is a requirement of the course. Prerequisite: EDU 333 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
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