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3.00 Credits
Through floor work, barre, and combinations, students will learn the basics of Luigi and/or Fosse Jazz Dance technique. Students will understand and be able to show intermediate dance technique and steps, and perform basic choreography. At the end of the semester, the class will present a finished production piece. Prerequisite: DAN 101. 3 Cr
1.00 Credits
Students build on their experience in Beginning Belly Dance and continue to enjoy a dance form that celebrates feminine grace, beauty and strength. Participants refine basic dance movements and learn additional dance movements and choreographies. Students will continue to incorporate finger cymbals and a veil with dance movements and learn how to use a dance cane. Students will develop skills in choreographing for group dances and continue to work on improvisational belly dance, as well as work on developing choreography skills for group dances performed at the end of the semester. Prerequisite: DAN 106, or permission of instructor. 1 Cr
1.00 Credits
A learning experience designed to allow students to pursue study in any of a variety of styles in dance and movement as creative expression and may include: format and technique; interpretation, improvisation and choreography; and costuming, performance and production. Courses and special workshop experiences in Dance vary in content in response to student interest and faculty availability and expertise and may be repeated for credit with different topics or at different levels. Prerequisite: Depends on topic and level, or permission of instructor. 1 Cr
1.00 Credits
A learning experience designed to allow students to pursue study in any of a variety of styles in dance and movement as creative expression and may include: format and technique; interpretation, improvisation and choreography; and costuming, performance and production. Courses and special workshop experiences in Dance vary in content in response to student interest and faculty availability and expertise and may be repeated for credit with different topics or at different levels. Prerequisite: Depends on topic and level, or permission of instructor. 1 Cr
1.00 Credits
Students build on skills learned in previous Belly Dance classes, learning a dance form that has survived for centuries because of its appeal to the human spirit. Participants continue to work on their technique while learning new choreographies; and dance with finger cymbals, veil and cane, adding dance fans and balance props like the sword. The course will cover more advanced dance movements and choreographies will offer the opportunity for more duet and/or solo performances at the end of the semester. Prerequisite: DAN 216, or permission of instructor. 1 Cr
1.00 Credits
A learning experience designed to allow students to pursue study in any of a variety of styles in dance and movement as creative expression and may include: format and technique; interpretation, improvisation and choreography; and costuming, performance and production. Courses and special workshop experiences in Dance vary in content in response to student interest and faculty availability and expertise and may be repeated for credit with different topics or at different levels. Prerequisite: Depends on topic and level, or permission of instructor. 1 Cr
3.00 Credits
An analysis of the behavior and performance of the aggregate, or overall, economy. Focuses on forces determining equilibrium output and income, employment, inflation, growth and economic stability. The role for and effectiveness of government economic (fiscal and monetary) policy is considered. Prerequisite: sophomore standing and MAT 012 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An analysis of the behavior and interaction of fundamental economic entities: households and firms. Topics include demand and supply, competition, monopoly, labor markets, international trade, and environmental policy. Prerequisite: sophomore standing and MAT 012 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
The course identifies and analyzes the features and characteristics of capitalism, including the relationships between economic and political freedom, the role of government, efficiency, fairness, growth, globalization and sustainability. Capitalism's strengths, weaknesses and challenges are considered within the context of post-World War II global economic history, with particular attention to the impacts of cultural and institutional diversity. Entrepreneurship is analyzed as the fuel and fire of capitalism, and the behavior and characteristics of entrepreneurs are considered. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
In this course economic concepts and tools of analysis are applied to environemtnal and natural resource issues. Connections between the environment and the economy; methods of modeling natural resource and environmental problems; and techniques for measuring the value of environmental services are examined. Trade offs and incentives people face under different circumstances are considered; policy options forenvironmental protection and sustainable development are evaluated. Prerequisite: MAT 012 or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
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