Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
In the second semester of the sequence, the student enrolls in BIO 405. During this semester, the student completes the experimental portion of thesis work and prepares a draft paper. A grade of "pass" or "fail" is awarded. Prerequisite: MAT 215, a 3.0 GPA within the major and overall, and approval by a thesis advisor. 2 Cr
2.00 Credits
In the third semester of the sequence, the student enrolls in BIO 406. The student must submit a final draft of the paper to the Division of Environmental and Biological Science faculty. The student gives an oral presentation of the topic and makes any final corrections to the paper required by the division faculty. A grade of "pass" or "fail" is awarded. Prerequisite: MAT 215, a 3.0 GPA within the major and overall, and approval by a thesis advisor. 2 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course whose subject matter may come from any of a variety of topics in Biology. This course may be repeated for credit with different topics or at different levels. A lab may be included as part of the course. 1-4 Cr
3.00 Credits
Biology majors with a GPA less than 3.0 must take BIO 410 rather than one of the Senior Thesis sequences. This is a one-semester seminar course in which students can expect to have regular reading assignments and class discussions. The topic or topics are chosen in advance by the instructor. Students have an opportunity to investigate areas within the topic(s) of particular interest to them. Papers, oral reports, and/or exams are required at the discretion of the instructor. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of Instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A seminar course whose primary objective is to explore marine ecological concepts, themes, and paradigms of student interest. Students are assigned readings from primary literature and learn how to interpret those readings critically with respect to methodological design, results, and ultimate theses. Prerequisite: BIO 360. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course that will offer senior-level marine biology students interesting and challenging material of a topical nature. Readings will draw from both primary and secondary sources. Content is discussed in group settings. Students will investigate areas of particular interest to them through written and oral presentations. Prerequisites: Completion of all other requirements within Marine Biology or permission of instructor. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
An introductory course providing knowledge of what business and entrepreneurship are all about. It is a basic course in business, economic and entrepreneurial literacy as well as organizational structures and functions, and provides an overview of the traditional business disciplines including marketing, finance, accounting, management, information systems, etc., and additionally forms the basis for subsequent studies. Competency and/or concurrent enrollment in basic reading, writing, and mathematics courses are a prerequisite for all business studies offerings with a prefix of ACC, BUS, MAN, or MAR. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course designed to develop effective communication skills in the areas of writing, speaking, and listening. Emphasis is placed on appropriate formats for business communications including grammatical style, clarity, and conciseness of messages. Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course designed to create an understanding of the fundamentals of business law and an awareness of the legal environment in which the business enterprise operates. Special emphasis is given to the basic principles of law that apply to business transactions of a contractual nature. Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 Cr
3.00 Credits
A course designed for continued emphasis on the legal principles governing business transactions. Special emphasis is given to commercial paper, real and personal property, bailments, agency and employment. Prerequisite: BUS 221. 3 Cr
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