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3.00 Credits
This course will explore Cuba and its culture through historical, socio-political, economic and literary lenses. Additionally, we will focus on the daily life of the Cuban people, their social institutions, their works of art and literature, and their attitudes and priorities with respect to living in a "socialist" system. Course satisfies International exploratory requirement.
3.00 Credits
This three-week trip to Madrid, Spain is designed with the specific purpose of giving students an authentic immersion experience in the Spanish language and culture. Students will increase their language proficiency and expand their knowledge of the Spanish culture by living with a carefully chosen host family and interacting with a team of experienced teachers in Madrid. This program consists of 22/24 Spanish classes, per week, lasting 45 minutes each in different groups of up to 9 students with the participation of other international students. All cultural activities and excursions will be conducted in Spanish. Contact hours with the language will be around 40 hours per week (but students will take a language pledge which requires "speaking only Spanish except in the case of an emergency). In addition to daily classes, other activities, such as a weekend trips to Segovia and Toledo, visits to several different museums-among them El Prado, La Reina Sofia, Palacio Real and Museo Sorolla), a Flamenco show and a bullfight. Additionally, social gatherings (such as a welcome party, Thursday-evening outings, movie night, etc.) are important components of the program. Upon return from Madrid, all participating students will contribute to the trip web page and present a cultural perspective of their experience abroad to the campus community. Satisfies International Exploratory requirement Travel course cost: $2,700
3.00 Credits
This is a course of discovery. Explore the land where many aspects of our culture, history, religion, medicine, math, philosophy, and city planning originated. Explore a secular democratic republic in a dominantly Moslem country. Turkey will teach us much about this past and present. We will also discover about ourselves. Being in a strange place is a very good way to get to know oneself, one's own home, and what it means to belong. Ways of looking at the world and one's own history, ways one commonly creates meaning will be thrown into question because we will be in a very different culture. This means that people we meet will likely have a very different view of the world. This is when it gets very exciting: I can open myself to new ideas that have never crossed my mind before; I can understand parts of my past in whole new ways by actually "being there" in places I have only read about. Travel is always to some extent disorienting (culturally, linguistically, sensuously), but this very disorientation allows us to gain fresh insights into another culture, into ourselves, and even into our home country. Approximate Cost: $2910 (not included: passport, visa, shot, lunches, snacks, spending money, non-required events) Satisfies international OR intercultural exploratory requirement.
3.00 Credits
TRAVEL COURSE - This three-week trip (January 3-24) to Guadalajara, Mexico is designed with the specific purpose of giving students an authentic immersion experience in the Spanish language and Mexican culture. Students will increase their language proficiency in Spanish and expand their knowledge of the Mexican culture by living with a carefully chosen host family (2 students per home) and interacting with a team of experienced teachers in Guadalajara. This program consists of five hours of daily one-on-one oral/aural practice with teachers from Guadalajara. The city of Guadalajara serves as the classroom for students to observe and learn about its people, culture, history, and language. Students meet each morning in the historic city and are paired with a different teacher and cultural tour. In addition to daily classes, other activities, such as a weekend trip to Puerto Vallarta, classes in ceramics and dance, and family/teacher/student social gatherings, are important components of the program. Upon return from Guadalajara, all participating students will contribute to the trip web page and present a cultural perspective of their experience abroad to the campus community. Satisfies international exploratory requirement. Prerequisite: Successful completion of SPA 210 course or 3-4 years high school experience. If I have not worked with the student previously, I will request an oral interview in Spanish and two letters of recommendation by two faculty members (or a faculty and staff member) who have worked with the student in a course or with knowledge about adaptability, responsibility, maturity, etc. Fees: $2500-2700 plus spending money Instructor: Sara Colburn-Alsop
3.00 Credits
TRAVEL COURSE - An introduction to Belize and tropical ecosystems with emphasis on the coral reef ecosystem. Students will learn about Belize and tropical ecosystems for two weeks prior to an eleven day visit to Belize. While in Belize students will spend some time in the tropical forests learning about plants and visiting Mayan sites, including Tikal in Guatemala. The majority of the trip will be spent snorkeling the coral reef ecosystem, identifying and observing the behavior and interactions of organisms in this complex ecosystem. Satisfies international exploratory requirement. Prerequisites: None Fees: Tentative cost $2200. This includes all airfare, room costs, meals, tips, and field trips while in Belize and Guatemala. Passport fees, airport departure fees ($35), free time activities, souvenirs, and snacks are not included. Instructor: Dr. Bill Pohley
3.00 Credits
TRAVEL COURSE: Have you ever studied about Japan? What do you know about Japan? A Japanese proverb tells us "Seeing is believing." In this course, students will visit Japan for approximately 13 days and learn Japanese culture. Students will visit Japanese cultural sites (shrines, temples and statues) in Tokyo, Nikko, Nara, Uji and Kyoto. The trip includes observing Japanese art, literature and sport such as Ukiyo-e (pictures of the floating world), Sad? (Japanese tea ceremony), the Tale of Genji (the most famous classic literature) and Sumo (Japanese national sport). Students will also visit Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima and look at Mt. Fuji (Japanese National Mountain). This trip provides students with the opportunity to discover Japanese culture by reflecting on their observations of cultural sites in Japan and studies on campus. The first week, prior to departure, involves on-campus activities for preparation of this trip to Japan. Students will spend most of the time researching the cultural inheritances they plan to visit. On the fourth week, after coming back from Japan, students will a prepare final report for the trip. Satisfies international OR intercultural exploratory requirement.
3.00 Credits
The people of Uganda have suffered from brutal dictatorships, the AIDS epidemic, a rebel insurgency and extreme poverty. Though there are hopeful signs, such as the country's ability to limit the spread of AIDS, still the impact on the Ugandan people has been dramatic. This class is a service learning/leadership trip. Students will travel to Kampala, Uganda to interact directly with Ugandans in their homes, schools and workplaces. We will work with residents in a Habitat for Humanity sponsored village; we will teach and play with children orphaned by AIDS; we will visit in the "homes" of AIDS patients and people displaced by conflict; we will visit organizations empowering women and saving the "invisible" children of African conflict. We will discuss cultures of materialism, the role of faith and hope in life, the spread of disease and a social change movement to combat it, models of political leadership and their connection to conflict in Ugandan history, leadership on an individual and organizational level in addressing serious social problems such as poverty, and the effectiveness and desirability of leadership interventions across cultures. We will also take a boat ride to the head of the Nile, travel on a three day safari through a national park in Uganda, tour Kampala and attend a evening of cultural music and dance. (Tentative Departure Date: January 14. Tentative Return Date: January 29.) Satisfies International Exploratory requirement. Travel course estimated cost: $3699 In addition, students will need to purchase on their own a U.S. passport if they do not already have one and a Ugandan visa ($50). There will also be a cost for vaccinations which can range from $75 to $300 depending on what students have already had and what they want.
4.00 Credits
An overview of major issues raised by the range of women's situations and experiences in Western and non- Western societies. An examination of analytical perspectives that feminist critics in a variety of disciplines use to explore these issues. Satisfies social sciences exploratory requirements. Spring.
3.00 Credits
A topic of current interest in women's studies will be taught. Topics will vary according to faculty interest. Course will be offered upon request of a faculty member and with approval of the vice president for academic affairs and the director of women's studies.
4.00 Credits
The social construction of gender categories is explored and this course will deconstruct monolithic categories of masculine and feminine from a multicultural perspective. Students will learn some basic concepts in multicultural theories of gender and explore the ways that masculinity and femininity interact with race, class, sexual orientation, etc. to produce fundamentally different experiences for men and women of diverse backgrounds. Same as SOC 319. Satisfies intercultural exploratory requirement. Prerequisite: SOC 118. Fall, even academic years.
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