Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
The nature of moral experience, moral judgments, and moral principles, and the relation of each to the other. Course may consider applications to contemporary moral problems. Readings from some major ancient, modern, and contemporary moral philosophers. (Humanities) 94 Philosophy (PHI) Cornell College | 2008-09 Academic Catalogue
3.00 Credits
Principles and techniques useful for evaluating arguments and avoiding fallacious reasoning in ordinary life.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to formal argument analysis, including _rst order predicate logic and mathematical logic. O_ered upon request and subject to availability of faculty. WHITE
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the intriguing cultures, philosophies, and achievements of the Maya. Ancient Maya culture, Spanish colonialism, modern events and recent Maya response, as well as history, culture, society, language, and beliefs are addressed. Materials written by Maya authors used when possible. Prerequisite: ANT 101, HIS 141, or LAS 141. Alternate years. (Social Science) SIEBERT
3.00 Credits
Ethnographic examination of the descendents of East Indian and Chinese indentured servants, and African slaves. Topics include maroonage, retentions, kinship and gender roles, the spirit world, _esta, and cultural pluralism. Registration, when the course is taught o_ campus, entails additional costs. Prerequisites: ANT 101 and permission of instructor. Alternate years. (Social Science) MONAGAN
3.00 Credits
Cross-cultural examination of family and kinship systems, with a focus on mixed families in the United States, the West Indies, and Brazil. Implications for kinship, syncretism, social strati_cation, values, and the cultural de_nitions of race, color, and ethnicity. Prerequisite: ANT 101 or EST 123. O_ered every third year. (Social Science) MONAGAN
3.00 Credits
Cross-cultural perspective on religious beliefs, practices, and world views. Topics include rites of passage, the spirit world, witches, magic, myths, syncretism, shamanism, and revitalization. Special attention is given to ethnomedicine. Prerequisite: ANT 101. Alternate years. Same course as REL 275. (Social Science) MONAGAN
3.00 Credits
Advanced study of the working process of the actor in both classical and contemporary plays. The work includes physical and vocal technique, performance of sonnets, monologues, scenes, and audition preparation. Prerequisite: entrance by audition. Alternate years. (Fine Arts) CLARK or HOVLAND
3.00 Credits
Development of the current understanding of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. Physical principles upon which this understanding is based. Intended for non-science majors. (Science) BEAUCHAMP or LICHTY
3.00 Credits
Comparative in-depth survey of the major world religions, including the monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; the Indo-European traditions of India; and the religions of East Asia. Systematic attention to historical interrelations among traditions as well as di_erences in worldview and the signi_cance of these di_erences for understanding human nature and culture. (Humanities) MOLLEUR
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