Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Major _gures and movements that contributed to the division of Western Christendom into Protestant and Roman Catholic communities. Primary emphasis on the writings of Luther, Calvin, and the leaders of the English 108 Religion Cornell College | 2008-09 Academic Catalogue Reformation, concluding with consideration of the activities and writings of John and Charles Wesley, founders of Methodism. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. O_ered every third year. (Humanities) MOLLEUR
3.00 Credits
Philosophical examination of the major concepts and claims of the Western religious tradition. Topics to be discussed include the nature and existence of God, the problem of evil, the nature of religious language, the relation between faith and reason, the possibility of religious knowledge. Prerequisites: PHI 111 and sophomore standing. Alternate years. (Humanities) WHITE
3.00 Credits
Examination of science as a source of information about the world. Topics include the structure of scienti_c con_rmation and explanation, the nature of scienti_c knowledge and progress, the di_erence between science and pseudo-science, and the moral evaluation of science. Prerequisites: PHI 111 and sophomore standing. Alternate years. (Humanities) WHITE
3.00 Credits
Philosophical study of selected works of world literature by authors such as Bulgakov, Mishima, De Beauvoir, Calvino, Hesse, Alvarez, and Momaday. Prerequisites: PHI 111 and sophomore standing. Alternate years. (Humanities) GRAY
3.00 Credits
Theories about the mind and mental phenomena: the relationship between minds and brains; consciousness; free will; arti_cial intelligence; and the philosophy of psychology.Prerequisites: PHI 111 and sophomore standing. Alternate years. (Humanities) WHITE
3.00 Credits
Focus upon a particular issue that is of concern in contemporary Christianity, in the framework of an overview of nineteenth and twentieth century developments which de_ne the issue's context. Among the issues that may be highlighted are: the question of faith, the problem of evil, modern concepts of God, the reality of religious pluralism, and feminist theological critiques of traditional Christianity. Particular issue will be speci_ed in the current Course Schedule. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. O_ered two out of every three years. Not repeatable, even when topic is di_erent. (Humanities) MOLLEUR
3.00 Credits
An examination of the theory of evolution|what it says, what support it has, what it can (and cannot) explain|in order to see what (if any) implications it has for religion, morality, philosophy, and the understanding we have of ourselves and our world. Prerequisites: PHI 111 and sophomore standing. Alternate years. (Humanities) WHITE
3.00 Credits
Exploration of Constitutional principles including equal protection of the laws, privacy, and freedom of speech as they apply to issues of race, gender, and ethnicity: race and sex discrimination, equal opportunity, a_rmative action, abortion, pornography, privacy rights, hate speech, political correctness, etc. Prerequisites: POL 262 and junior standing. Alternate years. (Social Science) ALLIN
3.00 Credits
Theological developments in the contemporary interaction between Judaism and Christianity as shaped by the watershed events of the Nazi Holocaust, the return of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel, as well as the current political climate, with attention to the claim that basic changes in Western religious understanding are now inevitable. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. O_ered every third year. (Humanities) SACKS
3.00 Credits
Diverse biblical responses to human su_ering, and their elaboration in later Jewish and Christian traditions. Exploration of lament tradition, forgiveness, redemptive su_ering, relinquishment, transformation of su_ering through personal or group resistance, de_ant joy and hope. Includes liberation, black, womanist/feminist, Holocaust, and apophatic approaches. Exposure to contemplative practice. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. O_ered every third year. (Humanities) QUEHL-ENGEL
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