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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 121 This course provides a survey of the major areas of human sexuality. Principal topics covered are sexual and reproductive anatomy, the sexual response, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, birth control and childbirth, gender identity and gender roles, sexual development, sexual behaviors and attitudes, love and relationships, sexual dysfunctions, sexual disorders and sex therapy, sexual values, religion and sex, and communicating about sex. Offered in alternate years.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 121 This course examines both sides of industrial and organizational psychology to include an overview of legal issues in employee selection, job analysis, research design, selection tools, performance evaluation, designing and evaluating training, employee motivation and satisfaction, as well as lead-ership and other organizational development issues.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 121 This course explores social and cultural issues in psychology as they relate to the application of psy-chological theories and principles to diverse groups. Special attention is given to racial/ethnic minor-ity issues and cultural diversity, a key component of which is developing an understanding of per-sonal cultural development and how this pattern of development influences perceptions of interactions with others and general human behavior.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 305 An advanced applied research methods course in which students continue discussion on issues in research in psychology and complete an individual research project in psychology, including writing a research report and presenting their work as a poster session.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 305 completed or taken concurrently An examination of higher-level thought processes including such topics as attention and perception, memory, language, reasoning, concept formation, and problem solving. Theories of cognitive func-tions are examined with an emphasis on research findings and methodologies. Offered in alternate years.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 305 completed or taken concurrently A study of the significant concepts and experimental methods of learning. Topics include past and current research and theory on classical and instrumental conditioning, extinction processes, sched-ules of reinforcement, generalization and discrimination, verbal learning, and memory. Offered in alternate years.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 121 Understanding the applications of psychological principles to the educational process. Offered as needed.
6.00 - 12.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Senior standing in psychology; a minimum GPA in the major of 2.5; PSY 331, PSY 327, PSY 427, and approval of the Psychology Internship Committee and APA student affiliate mem-bership. Corequisite: PSY 426. Supervised internship placement giving students the opportunity to work in local agencies with indi-viduals and groups for 16 hours (6 credits) to 32 hours (12 credits) per week for 12 weeks. Place-ments are available in mental health facilities, schools, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and other human service agencies. Grading is pass/fail. Offered in spring semester. Students must apply for internship one year before they plan to participate.
3.00 Credits
Corequisite: PSY 425 Assists students in integrating and strengthening their various field experiences. Examines the appli-cation of psychological ideas and concepts to clinical practice through discussion, written assign-ments, readings, and case presentations. Assists students in identifying, clarifying, and developing specific professional goals. Offered in spring semester.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: PSY 121 and junior standing A review of the major historical and contemporary personality theories that attempt to explain and describe human behavior. Offered annually.
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