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  • 3.00 Credits

    Theory of mechanical vibrations as applied to single- and multi-degreeof- freedom systems. Analysis of free and forced vibrations to different types of loading - harmonic, impulse, periodic and general transient loading. Derive model systems using D'Alambert's principle, Lagrange's equations and Hamilton?rinciple. Analysis of natural frequencies and mode shapes. Role of damping in machines and structures. Analysis and effects of resonance. Use of the modal superposition method and the transient Duhamel integral method. Prerequisite: EGGN315. 3 hours lecture; 3 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Microprocessor and microcontroller architecture focusing on hardware structures and elementary machine and assembly language programming skills essential for use of microprocessors in data acquisition, control, and instrumentation systems. Analog and digital signal conditioning, communication, and processing. A/D and D/A converters for microprocessors. RS232 and other communication standards. Laboratory study and evaluation of microcomputer system; design and implementation of interfacing projects. Prerequisite: EGGN384 or consent of instructor. 3 hours lecture; 3 hours lab; 4 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Signal classification; Fourier transform; filtering; sampling; signal representation; modulation; demodulation; applications to broadcast, data transmission, and instrumentation. Prerequisite: EGGN388 or consent of instructor. 3 hours lecture; 3 hours lab; 4 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3-phase power systems, per-unit calculations, modeling and equivalent circuits of major components, voltage drop, fault calculations, symmetrical components and unsymmetrical faults, system grounding, power-flow, selection of major equipment, design of electric power distribution systems. Prerequisite: EGGN389. 3 hours lecture; 3 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Power electronics are used in a broad range of applications from control of power flow on major transmission lines to control of motor speeds in industrial facilities and electric vehicles, to computer power supplies. This course introduces the basic principles of analysis and design of circuits utilizing power electronics, including AC/DC, AC/AC, DC/DC, and DC/AC conversions in their many configurations. Prerequisites: EGGN385, EGGN389. 3 hours lecture; 3 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides the fundamentals to understand and analyze renewable energy powered electric circuits. It covers practi- 74 Colorado School of Mines Undergraduate Bulletin 2008-2009 cal topics related to the design of alternative energy based systems. It is assumed the students will have some basic and broad knowledge of the principles of electrical machines, thermodynamics, electronics, and fundamentals of electric power systems. One of the main objectives of this course is to focus on the interdisciplinary aspects of integration of the alternative sources of energy, including hydropower, wind power, photovoltaic, and energy storage for those systems. Power electronic systems will be discussed and how those electronic systems can be used for stand-alone and grid-connected electrical energy applications. Prerequisite: EGGN382 or consent of instructor. 3 hours lecture; 3 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course investigates the design, operation and analysis of complex interconnected electric power grids, the basis of our electric power infrastructure. Evaluating the system operation, planning for the future expansion under deregulation and restructuring, ensuring system reliability, maintaining security, and developing systems that are safe to operate has become increasingly more difficult. Because of the complexity of the problems encountered, analysis and design procedures rely on the use of sophisticated power system simulation computer programs. The course features some commonly used commercial software packages. Prerequisites: EGGN 484 or consent of instructor. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory; 3 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course addresses uncertainty modeling, reliability analysis, risk assessment, reliability-based design, predictive maintenance, optimization, and cost- effective retrofit of engineering systems such as structural, sensory, electric, pipeline, hydraulic, lifeline and environmental facilities. Topics include introduction of reliability of engineering systems, stochastic engineering system simulation, frequency analysis of extreme events, reliability and risk evaluation of engineering systems, and optimization of engineering systems. Prerequisite: MATH323. 3 hours lecture; 3 semester hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is the first of a two-semester capstone course sequence giving the student experience in the engineering design process. Realistic open-ended design problems are addressed for real world clients at the conceptual, engineering analysis, and the synthesis stages and include economic and ethical considerations necessary to arrive at a final design. Students are assigned to interdisciplinary teams and exposed to processes in the areas of design methodology, project management, communications, and work place issues. Strong emphasis is placed on this being a process course versus a project course. This is a writing-across-the-curriculum course where students' written and oral communication skills are strengthened. The design projects are chosen to develop student creativity, use of design methodology and application of prior course work paralleled by individual study and research. Prerequisite: Field session appropriate to the student's specialty and EPIC251. 1-2 hour lecture; 6 hours lab; 3 semester hours
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is the second of a two-semester sequence to give the student experience in the engineering design process. Design integrity and performance are to be demonstrated by building a prototype or model, or producing a complete drawing and specification package, and performing pre-planned experimental tests, wherever feasible, to verify design compliance with client requirements. Prerequisite: EGGN491. 1 hour lecture; 6 hours lab; 3 semester hours.
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