Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Selected experiments in contemporary physics, e.g., holography, laser lightscattering, optical pumping, semiconductors, superconductivity, magnetic resonance, Mossbauer effect.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to Einstein's general relativity the spacetime of special relativity, the principle of equivalence, gravity as geometry, the description of spacetime geometry, the spacetime of a relativistic star, solar system test of general relativity, gravitational collapse, black holes, cosmology.
4.00 Credits
Observed properties and classification of stars, the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, stellar atmospheres, hydrostatic equilibrium, energy transport, equations of state, thermonuclear reaction rates, origin of the elements, life history of stars, stellar death, compact objects, star formation.
4.00 Credits
Observed properties of galaxies, the interstellar medium, stellar dynamics,spiral arms, galaxy clusters, dark matter, quasars, the Hubble expansion, Friedmann models, thermal history of the universe, the origin of the light elements, the cosmic microwave background structure formation.
4.00 Credits
Techniques and implementation of observational methods in astronomy/astrophysics. Sensors, digital-image processing and analysis, research projects with computer-controlled remote access telescope using a digital image sensor. Studies of variable stars, galaxy morphology, supernova, etc.
3.00 Credits
Structure and function of cellular molecules (lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates). Genetic engineering techniques of molecular biology. Biomolecular materials and biomedical applications (e.g., bio-sensors, drug delivery systems, gene carrier systems).
3.00 Credits
Covers the essence of experimental research. Students study three different systems experimentally, and write short Physical Review style articles about the results. Students are responsible for deciding what to measure, how to analyze data, what conclusions can be reached, etc.
2.00 Credits
Computer control of experiments. Students learn LabView, and use it to measure and generate analog signals using a data acquisition card and a personal computer. Students ultimately use their computers to measure and control the temperature of a copper rod.
2.00 Credits
Design and construction of apparatus, drafting and computer-aided design. Machine shop practice including use of all major machine tools. The class acts as a team to design and, time permitting, build a scientific apparatus for a campus research group.
4.00 Credits
Modern geometrical and physical optics. Polarization, coherence, in- terference, and diffraction phenomena. Fourier transform spectroscopy, intensity correlation interferometry, spatial filtering, and holography. Selected topics on lasers, light scattering, and quantum optics as time permits.