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3.00 Credits
Machine elements including gears, bearings and shafts. Joint design and analysis: bolts, rivets, adhesive bonding and welding. Machine dynamics andfatigue. Design reliability and safety. Codes and standards. Topics coveredwill be applies in practical design projects.
3.00 Credits
Engineering applications using advanced 3-D CAD software for plastic part designs and tooling. Topics include an overview of the design for injection molded plastic parts, material selections and electronic tooling design via CAD and CNC system software. Emphasis is put into final design projects that are designed to be functional, manufacturable and esthetically pleasing.
4.00 Credits
Vectorial kinematics of particles in space, orthogonal coordinate systems. Relative and constrained motions of particles. Dynamics of particles and systems of particles, equations of motion, energy and momentum methods. Collisions. Planar kinematics and kinematics of rigid bodies. Energy and momentum methods for analyzing rigid body systems. Moving frames and relative motion.
3.00 Credits
Topics relating to vibration in mechanical systems; exact and approximate methods of analysis, matrix methods, generalized coordinates and Lagrange's equations, applications of systems. Basic feedback systems and controlled dynamic behavior.
3.00 Credits
Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate systems using integration, area moment, and energy methods. Beams on elastic foundations,curved beams, stress concentrations, fatigue, and theories of failure for ductile and brittle materials. Photoelasticity and other experimental techniques are covered, as well as methods of interpreting in-service failures.
3.00 Credits
Presents introductory matrix methods for analysis of structures. Topics include review of matrix algebra and linear equations, basic structural theorms including the principle of superposition and energy theorms, truss bar, bean and plane frame elements, and programming techniques to realize these concepts.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to nonlinear phenomena. Flows and bifurcations in one and two dimensions, chaos, fractals, strange attractors. Applications to physics, engineering, chemistry, and biology.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to basic numerical and analytical methods, with implementation using MATLAB. Topics include root finding, linear algebraic equations, introduction to matrix algebra, determinants, inverses and eigenvalues, curve fitting and interpolation, and numerical differentiation and integration.
4.00 Credits
Overview of robot kinematics and dynamics. Structure and operation of industrial robots. Robot performance: workspace, velocity, precision, payload. Comparative discussion of robot mechanical designs. Actuators. Robot coordinate systems. Kinematics of position. Dynamics of manipulators.
4.00 Credits
Overview of robot control technology from open-loop manipulators and sensing systems, to single-joint servovalves and servomotors, to integrated adaptive force and position control using feedback from machine vision and touch sensing systems. Design emphasis on accurate tracking accomplished with minimal algorithm complexity.
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