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3.00 Credits
Introduction to vibration theory; wave propagation in soils and dynamic behavior of soils and foundations; dynamic tests; analysis of dynamically loaded foundations; causes of earthquakes; earthquake magnitude and zones; ground motions induced by earthquakes; earthquake-resistant design of foundations and earth dams. Prerequisite: CE 171A or equivalent. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
3.00 Credits
Overview of geotextiles, geogrids and geonets; geosynthetic properties and test methods; geosynthetic functions and mechanisms as in separation, roadway and soil reinforcement, filtration, and drainage; applications and design methods; construction, fabrication and installation. Prerequisite: CE 171A or instructor permission. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
3.00 Credits
Overview of geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, and geocomposities. Topics include: geosynthetic properties and test methods; geosynthetic functions and mechanisms as in landfill liners, liquid barriers and carriers, erosion control, drainage, and design and construction methods. Prerequisite: CE 171A or instructor permission. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Special problems in graduate research. Note: Approval of a petition must be obtained from the faculty supervising the work and the Department Chair. Not more than 3 units may be taken without written approval from the faculty adviser and Department Chair. Letter grade or Credit/No Credit. Graded: Graded (CR/NC Available). Units: 1.0 - 3.0.
2.00 Credits
In-depth graphic analysis and solution of typical three dimensional space problems by applying the principles of orthogonal projection. Fundamentals of interactive computer aided design and drafting. Lecture one hour; laboratory three hours. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 2.0
3.00 Credits
Instruments, methods and theories necessary for the measurement of distance, direction, angles and elevations. Application of data to traverse computations, estimation of earthwork volumes, transportation facility design and construction layout. Introduction to legal aspects of surveying, geodetic surveys, maps, boundary surveys and new technologies used in surveying. Lecture two hours; laboratory three hours. Prerequisite: MATH 26A or MATH 30; may be taken concurrently. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
3.00 Credits
Methods of Observation and Assessment in Child Development. Purposes of and methodological issues involved in assessing and observing child development in educational and social settings. Topics include selection of appropriate methods, survey of standardized measures, ethics, and interpretation and implications of data. Focus will be on becoming objective and unbiased observers, use of both informal and formal assessment tools, and principles of observational and descriptive research. APA-style writing style will be taught to support scholarly writing and reading. Note: For CHDV majors, must be taken prior to completion of 90 units. Prerequisite: CHDV 30 or CHDV 35; completion of 45 total units credit. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
3.00 Credits
Ways parent education may be conducted in Child Development programs to meet legislated requirements as well as parent needs. Attention will be given to parent education programs which serve children of different ages, diverse language and cultural backgrounds, and children with special needs. The rights and responsibilities of children, parents and teachers will be discussed. Discussion and participation in such classroom activities as panels, presentations, demonstrations and cooperative learning assignments. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
3.00 Credits
Investigation of the development of language and its relationship to school learning, cognitive development and social development. Both linguistic and communication competence are included. Specific attention to second language acquisition and principles underlying effective instruction in linguistically diverse children. Note: Topic areas will vary by semester, and the course may be repeated. Prerequisite: CHDV 30 or CHDV 35 and CHDV 133. CHDV 133 may be taken concurrently. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
3.00 Credits
Directed field experiences in settings selected to meet students' experience and needs. Students are required to work at the selected setting and attend an on-campus seminar to explore developmental content and issues. Discussion will also focus on attention to professional development and ethics in community and educational settings working with children and families. Note: May be taken as a core requirement and repeated as an elective. Prerequisite: CHDV 30 or CHDV 35, and CHDV 123. CHDV 123 may be taken concurrently. For CHDV-Integrated, CHDV-Precredential, or Liberal Studies majors only, CHDV 35F. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
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