Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Two-course examination of pharmaceutical and physiological factors influencing the bio-availability of drugs from various dosage forms. Includes pharmacokinetic principles governing drug disposition and drug therapy, with emphasis on the application of pharmacokinetic principles and patient-specific data in optimizing therapeutic outcomes and overall patient management. Prereqs for PHRD 407: PHRD 303, 304, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, and 313. Prereq for PHRD 408: PHRD 407. Offered: Fall (407); Spring (408).
2.00 Credits
Two-course sequence that prepares pharmacists to effectively assist patients in making self-care decisions. Emphasis on therapeutic use and monitoring of nonprescription medications and dietary supplements. Selected prescription drug therapies included, as appropriate. Prereqs for PHRD 410: PHRD 400 and PHRD 403. Prereqs for PHRD 510: PHRD 404 and 410. Offered: Fall (510); Spring (410).
2.00 Credits
Project-oriented course focusing on the establishment and development of a professional community practice. Consideration given to the pros and cons of choosing an existing practice versus establishing a new practice. Includes review of records establishment and maintenance, cost-to-dispense determination, marketing aspects, and use of other areas of health care to complement a prescription practice. Prereq: PHRD 524. Offered: Spring.
2.00 Credits
Introduction to radiopharmaceuticals and the practice of nuclear pharmacy. Consideration given to the properties, methods of measurement and detection, preparation, storage, administration, and diagnostic and therapeutic applications of radioactive pharmaceuticals. Prereq: PHRD 405. Offered: Fall or Spring.
2.00 Credits
Exploration of the fundamental knowledge and skills needed in the delivery of pharmaceutical care in a managed-health care environment, primarily serving ambulatory patients. Emphasis on drug benefit management from a fiscal and clinical perspective. Prereq: Completion of second professional year of study or permission of course coordinator. Offered: Fall or Spring.
2.00 Credits
Application of literature and laboratory techniques, or other methods of scientific investigation, to pharmaceutical problems. Students may choose to study and investigate a suitable problem with any department in the School of Pharmacy. Prereqs: Consent of instructor directing the research and a professional GPA of at least 2.50. Offered: Fall or Spring.
3.00 Credits
See PHRD 430 for description. Offered: Fall or Spring.
2.00 Credits
Review of basic concepts in pharmacy practice, including legal issues in drug distribution, storage, and record keeping. Includes pharmacy services in long-term care, plus how emerging roles in pharmacy practice (immunization provision, ambulatory infusion, DME service, pharmaceutical care, and disease management) are merged with traditional roles in pharmacy practice to present comprehensive pharmacy practice models. Offered: Fall.
3.00 Credits
Three-course sequence designed to develop applied knowledge of commonly occurring acute and chronic diseases with emphasis on therapeutic drug management. Prereqs for PHRD 521: PHRD 403 and PHRD 404. Offered: Fall (521); Spring (522, 523).
3.00 Credits
Review of fiscal concepts and theories encountered in all practice settings. Focus on making wise decisions about obtaining and using financial resources in order to increase the value of the organization and to optimize patient care. Prereqs: PHRD 305 and completion of second professional year of study. Offered: Fall.
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