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2.00 Credits
Exploration of business practices of the profession of Interior Design, such as marketing, compensation, business structure, legal responsibilities, and more. Lecture format. Offered: Spring.
2.00 Credits
Designed for upper-level interior design students who are preparing portfolios for job interviews, graduate school applications, design grants, or competitions. Technical/studio format. Prereqs: INTD 301, 302, and preferably 403. Offered: Spring.
4.00 Credits
Independent study in which students gain practical experience while working in an architectural or interior design firm, or in a business involved in the practice of interior design. Grading is pass/fail only. Prereqs: INTD 301 and INTD 302. Offered: See advisor.
4.00 Credits
Final, senior-level design studio course that incorporates components from all previously studied interior design courses. Students design projects based on their own research and program development. Technical/studio format. Prereqs: INTD 301, 302, and 403. Offered: See advisor.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to mass communication with an emphasis on exposure to mass media messages, the industry, message effects, historical perspective, communication theories, and media literacy. Offered: Every semester.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to mass media systems from a producer perspective with an emphasis on practices and issues. Historical, cultural, political, technological, and social forces that mold and constrain current media forms and products are discussed. Includes the academic response as well as an introduction to scholarly research in the field of journalism and mass communication. Prereqs: JMC 200 for majors. Offered: Every semester.
2.00 Credits
Introduction to photographic techniques and the study of news feature reporting through photographs. Emphasis on visual composition, developing, and printing. Offered: Fall.
6.00 Credits
Introduction to writing and editing journalistic and persuasive copy for distribution in converged mass media: print, electronic, and online. Prereq: JMC 200, 201; UCCA 101 or its equivalent, with a C+ or better; and ability to type 30 words per minute. Offered: Fall.
2.00 Credits
Review of the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in the mass media. Prereq: JMC 300W. Offered: Summer 1 and Spring.
2.00 Credits
Study of mass media law with an emphasis on libel, access, privacy, contempt, copyright, and freedom of information. Prereq: JMC 300W. Offered: Fall.
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