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  • 2.00 Credits

    Reflection and synthesis of knowledge and experience gleaned from the communication studies curriculum leading to the creation of an electronic portfolio in which students demonstrate proficiency in oral communication, written communication, information literacy, and quantitative literacy. Prereqs: COMS 311W, COMS 321, and senior standing. Offered: Spring.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Exploration of the foundations of computing as a science, including how computing represents the effective merger of science, mathematics, and engineering. Incorporates hands-on experience to illustrate how computers operate based on simple principles of logic and abstraction; demonstrates how to communicate with them via algorithms and use of a simple programming language; evaluates limitations; examines alternative computing paradigms; considers emerging technologies; contemplates major innovations such as the Internet, virtual reality, and intelligent systems; and surveys a variety of issues facing society. Not a computer literacy course. Prereqs: Basic computer literacy (familiarity with file/folder manipulation, word processing, and spreadsheet applications); mathematics background suitable for placement into Precalculus.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to the fundamental techniques of programming as a foundation for more advanced study of computer science and as a tool for other disciplines. Includes introduction to object-oriented programming using Java. Focus on development of effective software engineering practice, emphasizing such principles as design, decomposition, encapsulation, procedural abstraction, testing, and software reuse. Topics include programming constructs, problem-solving strategies, the concept of an algorithm, recursion, fundamental data structures, and an introduction to machine representation, graphics, networking, and interactive development environments. Prereqs: Basic computer literacy (familiarity with file/folder manipulation, word processing, and spreadsheet applications); mathematics background suitable for placement into Precalculus.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to discrete mathematics as it is used in computer science, fostering logical methods of problem solving and thinking. Topics include functions, relations, sets, propositional and predicate logic, simple circuit logic, proof techniques, finite state machines, Turing machines, elementary formal language theory, graph theory, Boolean algebra, computability, complexity, elementary combinatorics, and discrete probability. Prereqs: Mathematical preparation sufficient to take calculus at the college level. Offered: Fall.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Extension of previously acquired foundational programming experiences, with particular emphasis on the use of data abstraction and object-oriented programming in the design and implementation of fundamental data structures and algorithms. Topics include recursion, basic data structures, efficiency, complexity, primary algorithms for searching, sorting, tree and graph manipulation, hashing, inheritance, and polymorphism. Includes significant programming experiences in a language such as Java. Prereqs: Grade of C or better in COSC 110; grade of C or better in COSC 200 desirable as prereq, but may be taken concurrently or with permission of the instructor.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Study of concepts of computer systems and computer architecture. Focus on fundamentals of logic design, organization and structure of the major hardware components of computers, and the mechanics of information transfer and control within a computer system. Includes lab experiences in assembler language programming and simulation of computer circuits, and investigation of different architectures (composition and connection of larger blocks) supporting parallel computing and data communications. Prereqs: COSC 200 and COSC 210, with grades of C or better. Offered: Fall.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Interdisciplinary biological and computational approach to science to gain new insights into complex living systems. Methods developed in this discipline address outstanding questions in medicine, behavior, health, pharmacy, genetics, the environment, and other biologically related areas. Co-listed as BIOL 306. Prereqs for all majors: BIOL 105, 110, or 203; or permission of the instructor. Additional prereqs for computer science majors: COSC 200 and COSC 210, with grades of C or better. Offered: Spring
  • 4.00 Credits

    Study of underlying concepts and structures in the design and implementation of database management systems. Includes lab experiences, such as implementation of DBMS projects using commercially available software. Also covered: design, creation, and maintenance of data files, and implementation of several methods in high-level language(s); sorting and searching techniques, and how they relate to various data structures; design and construction of user interfaces; ethical issues involving security and privacy, and other issues related to the use of distributed databases. Prereqs: COSC 200 and COSC 210, with grades of C or better. Offered: Spring.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Study of the history of programming languages and styles; programming paradigms; language features supporting parallel and distributed computing; formal language theory, special purpose languages, automata, syntax, grammars, semantics, bindings, symbol tables, data types, scoping, parameter passing, abstract data types, computability and solvability, and complexity classes; design and implementation of (part of) a compiler; simulation of theoretical machines such as finite state automata; empirical comparisons of various algorithms and programming paradigms; and utility of interactive tools and environments. Prereqs: COSC 200, COSC 210, and MATH 240, with grades of C or better. Offered: Spring.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to the fundamentals of operating systems, networking, and communications; in-depth treatment of operating systems and their interface with hardware, applications, and system user; contemporary social and professional issues, such as intellectual property, risks and liabilities, and system security in the context of operating systems design; data communications and transmission methods; wide- and local-area networks; and simulation of (parts of) an operating system and of network protocols. Prereqs: COSC 200 and COSC 210, with grades of C or better. Offered: Spring.
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