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3.00 Credits
Capstone course. Includes research project selected by the student. LEC 3. Prereq: Senior standing. Offered: Spring.
4.00 Credits
Exploration of the world of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. This course examines multiple aspects of Classical Antiquity through the eyes of those who rediscovered it in literary texts, in works of art and architecture, and in its material remains. It provides a broad and well-illustrated introduction to the history, literature, religion, and art and architecture of the Greeks and Romans. Offered: Spring.
2.00 Credits
Introduction to our artistic inheritance from the Roman world through a firsthand examination of the painting, sculpture, and architecture of Rome, including its Greek and Etruscan antecedents, and the Renaissance transformation of the Classical ideal. Offered: Jan Term-Study Abroad, on rotation.
4.00 Credits
Examination of the history and culture of the Ancient Greeks through a firsthand look at the material remains, including monuments and artifacts from the Bronze Age, the Archaic and Classical periods, and the Hellenistic, Roman, and Christian eras. Offered: Jan Term-Study Abroad, on rotation.
4.00 Credits
Examination of the history and culture of Rome through a firsthand look at its material remains, including its Greek and Etruscan antecedents, the Republican and Imperial periods, and the Renaissance transformation of the Classical ideal. Offered: Jan Term-Study Abroad, on rotation.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to the major pagan religions of the Greco-Roman period, from the conquests of Alexander the Great (332 BCE) to the death of Julian the Apostate (363 CE). Some attention is paid to the pagan influences on emerging Judaism and Christianity. Co-listed as RELG 345. Offered: Spring, on rotation.
4.00 Credits
Seminar exploring selected topics in classical antiquity. Includes a directed research project involving a research component, a writing component, and a public, oral presentation. For seniors, but juniors can take with permission. Prereq: 300-level Greek or Latin or permission. Offered: Fall.
4.00 Credits
Overview of elements of the communication discipline, focusing on major theories, models, and skills that form the foundation for communication studies. Emphasis on theory, research, and development of competency in interpersonal, group, and public communication contexts. Offered: Fall.
4.00 Credits
Study of intercultural communication, focusing on the concepts and applications of its central theories. Students analyze various uses of communication within cultures, especially within U.S. and Latin American cultures, as a way of developing practical knowledge and skill in communicating across cultures. Required for all communication studies majors. Offered: Fall.
4.00 Credits
Study of techniques of giving speeches to inform, convince, and persuade. Includes speech composition, delivery, and audience analysis. Offered: Fall and Spring.
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