Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Survey of the chemistry of biological systems. LEC 3. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 315. Offered: Spring.
3.00 Credits
Study of the chemistry of inorganic compounds, reactions and mechanisms, including coordination compounds and organometallic compounds. LEC 3. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 315 and CHEM 325. Offered: Fall.
4.00 Credits
Supervised internship in a hospital setting, with exposure to various aspects of hospital operations. Grading is pass/fail only. Co-listed as BIOL 361. Offered: Jan Term only, with schedule arranged on an individual basis.
3.00 Credits
Survey of the theoretical bases on which chemistry rests, including kinetic-molecular theory, thermodynamics, kinetics, and quantum theory. LEC 3. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 215, MATH 260, and PHYS 204, or permission of instructor. Offered: Fall.
2.00 Credits
First course in the unified laboratory sequence. The unified labs combine elements from traditional upper-level inorganic, physical, instrumental, and biochemistry laboratories. Unified Lab I will explore buffers, thermodynamics of biomolecules, kinetics of inorganic and biological systems, catalysis, stereochemistry, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. LAB 6. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 325. Offered: Fall.
2.00 Credits
Second course in the unified laboratory sequence. The unified labs combine elements from traditional upper-level inorganic, physical, instrumental, and biochemistry laboratories. Unified Lab II will focus on purification in biological systems, electrochemical synthesis, organometallic chemistry, spectroscopic analysis, and coulometry. LAB 6. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 370. Offered: Spring.
4.00 Credits
Survey of computer-based instrumentation and software/hardware integration used to develop experiments or tests. Covers laboratory programming using fourth-generation visual computer language, acquisition and conditioning of realworld signals, and control of ASCII conversation-based bench-top instruments. LEC 3, LAB 3. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in PHYS 102 or PHYS 204 and COSC 110 or equivalent. Co-listed as COSC 380 and PHYS 380. Offered: On rotation.
3.00 Credits
Study of the theoretical and practical bases of modern spectroscopic techniques, including atomic, vibrational, rotational, magnetic, electronic, and laser spectroscopy. Electroanalytical techniques will also be included. LEC 3. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 355 and CHEM 365. Offered: Spring.
3.00 Credits
Amplification of concepts in CHEM 350. LEC 3. Prereq: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 350. Offered: Spring.
3.00 Credits
Research project or internship under supervision of a faculty member, with results presented in an acceptable paper. Course may be taken more than once for credit, but total credits may not exceed eight. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Offered: Every semester, with schedule arranged on an individual basis.
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