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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Vehicle for participating in the The Bulldog Fund, a student-managed investment portfolio. Students analyze existing positions, research new investment ideas, present their proposals, and report results to Samford's Investment Committee. Variable credit. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credits. Prereqs: BUSA 321 and BUSA 424. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Study of business and law that began in Legal Environment of Business (BUSA 252). Specific areas addressed are agency, partnerships, corporations, real and personal property, bailments, leases, secured transactions, commercial paper, trusts, and descendant's estates. This course is required for the accounting major, the CPA exam, and is a prerequisite for the MAcc program. Prereq: BUSA 252. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Individualized academic work for qualified students under faculty direction. Opportunity to study a specialized topic not covered in regularly scheduled courses. Prereqs: Samford GPA of at least 2.25 and permission from the Office of the Dean, School of Business.
3.00 Credits
Capstone course for business majors, integrating knowledge acquired from earlier courses and experiential learning. Uses case studies to discuss issues facing top management and to propose action plans. Focus on global, strategic decisionmaking for large, medium, and small businesses in a variety of industries, with emphasis on the development of analytical, written, and oral communications skills. Should be taken during the last semester before graduation. Prereqs: Senior status and completion of all 300-level business or accounting courses. Offered: Fall and Spring.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory course utilizing an enterprise simulation. Teams play the role of managers and engage in an experience that integrates all of the functional areas of business. Special emphasis given to application of the strategic management process. Prereq: Enrollment in BUSA 481W. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Study of current issues facing international businesses, incorporating an understanding of the economic, cultural, and legal structural differences among countries and regions. Includes discussion of the economic and political implications of international trade, foreign investment, and ethical issues faced by companies operating globally. Prereq: ECON 201.
3.00 Credits
Examination of new attitudes, knowledge, and skills about entrepreneurs and their activities. Critical course objective is the development of an entrepreneurial perspective, helping students to understand and evaluate diverse entrepreneurial situations while providing practice responding to those situations. Secondary course objective includes preparation of a first-cut business plan for a new business, such as one the student or a family member or friend hopes to launch. Prereq: ACCT 211.
3.00 Credits
Examination of management topics unique to the particular objectives of nonprofit firms, including mission setting, governance, assessment, and fundraising. Using case studies and practitioner writings, the course develops an applied framework for analyzing key strategic issues for the nonprofit firm. Students integrate course content by developing a strategic plan for a new or existing nonprofit. Prereqs: BUSA 303, 311, and 321. Offered: Spring.
1.00 Credits
Students partner with local for-profit and non-profit organizations to develop new or improve existing community outreach initiatives. Alternatively, students may design their own programs that target specific community needs. Grading is pass/fail. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Individualized, experiential learning program structured through a variety of business organizations. This course is project-oriented, merging theory learned in the classroom with the workplace environment. Includes seminars, presentations, and career counseling in conjunction with on-site learning at the business organization. Exposes students to the world of marketing and the career planning process. Grading is pass/fail. Prereq: BUSA 311; permission from Office of Internship, School of Business, and marketing faculty. Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
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